
出版时间:2010-3  出版社:天津科学技术出版社  作者:刘宗寅 主编  页数:136  字数:685000  


新:紧扣新课标,立意新、选材新、设题新。    全:融汇新课标所有话题项目。适应各年级的不同难度需求。    专:完形填空和阅读理解专项专攻.双管齐下。各个击破。    精:精心设计、寓教于乐。精析命题特点.精讲解题技巧,囊括社会热点与考试热点,让你尽收精华于脑中。


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  People have written and recorded hundreds of songs about autumn.Many of these songs express sadness that summer is over.It is getting darker earlier each day.The weather is cooler.The skies are gray.Birds fly south because they know winter is coming.The leaves turn colors of red and gold and then die,falling to the ground.Some songs about autumn also express the sadness of lost love.  Mary Dawson,in her Internet Writing Journal,writes that this season influenced songwriters to write some of the greatest songs of all time.Here are some of our favorite songs about autumn.  September Song by Kurt Well is one of the most well known,and saddest,songs about the season.  It was introduced back in 1938 in the Broadway musical Knickerbocker Holiday.Probably the most famous version is sung by Frank Sinatra.  Another famous song about this season is Autumn Leaves.This song also expresses sad emotions.It was first introdueed in a French movie in 1946.Later。the famous American songwriter Johnny Mercer was asked to write English words to the music.  The Moody Blues are a British rock band that first became famous in the 1960s.They also recorded a song about fallen leaves,darker days and lost love.It is called Forever Autumn.


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