
出版时间:2004年11月1日  出版社:上海教育出版社  作者:本书编写组编  页数:48  


  To escape to other lands,to get ideas,to laugh,to cry,or just to relax there are a million reasons to sit down with a good book.But what about reading a book in English?Although it can be frustrating to work through a longer story in another language,the rewards far outweigh the difficulties.  While many books are translated into Chinese,if you can read English,millions more will be available to you.In addition,an author’s originalmeaning can sometimes be lost in translation.So to appreciate famouswriters from William Shakespeare to Salman Rushdie.you need to readtheir works in English!


World of English英语世界Vancouver:The Gateway to Canada温哥华:加拿大的门户Hockey:Canada。S National Game加拿大国球:曲棍球Chat:Vancouver Camping闲谈:温哥华露营Music音乐Bond Rocks the Classics古典辣妹——“邦德”震撼古典音乐Bond VS.12 Giris Band古典辣妹与女子十二乐坊Feature专题Read in English!English Literature and Fiction Genres英语阅读园地!英语文学和小说类型Advice建议Wah。S WordS of WiSdom小华慧语Ask the Professor向教授请教英语Test小测验HOW Stressed are You?你的压力有多大?Head of the Class尖子生乐园Get Organized井井有条EF English Speaking Competition英孚的英语演讲比赛Give Yourself an Edge:WritingCollege Admission Essays脱颖而出:写好大学入学申请信Feature专题Reading Between the Lines阅读于字里行间No Half·Baked Idea:A Brief History of Cookies没有半生不熟的:饼干简史Dialogue对话DARE to Dream:The Story ofDavid,Amanda,Rona,and Edand the Journey of their Lives放飞梦想:四个好友的故事以及他们的旅程Science科学The Common Cold普通感冒Sports运动Shall We Dance?The Sport of Ballroom Dancing可以来跳支舞吗?交际舞运动Gadgets小发明Picture Perfect完美的画面Entertainment娱乐Playstation 2 Game Review:Lord of the Rings,Return of the KingPS2游戏评估:指环王——王者归来Food美食No Half·Baked Idea:A Brief History of Cookies没有半生不熟的:饼干简史Fashion时尚Ask Ming on Style明的时尚观Winter Fashions冬日时尚Comics漫画Calvin&HobbesPooch Caf6Games游戏



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