
出版时间:2010-5  出版社:上海人民美术出版社  作者:李新 主编,段梅 编文,袁琼 译  译者:袁琼  


  As one of Chinas most popualr folk arts,paper cutting boasts along history of over 2,000 years.There is a close tie between the expression techiques of Chinese paper cutting and traditional plastic arts.


Chinese Paper CuttingFolk Paper CuttingDecorative Paper Cutting


插图:There is a close tie between the expression techniques of Chinese paper cutting and traditional plastic arts.The cliffpaintings discovered in archaeological findings present scenes ofancient herdsmen's life and production,in which silhouette images and shapes are lined at the same level or simply in a line.The realistic techniques that originated in cliff painting have well been inherited and retained in paper cutting.There are two common practices in paper cutting:the scissor cutting and the knife sculpting,which are further categorized into several types.In ancient times scissors were called fiao knife,while some people thought that paper cutting in its real sense should be scissor-cut instead of knife-sculpted.However,no matter what techniques or tools are used,scissor cutting and knife sculpting share the same origin and both take paper as the subject of art creation,so both of them are paper cuttings.According to the colored paper used and the techniques involved,paper cutting falls into 2 types:monochromatic and multi.chromatic,and 7 techniques namely fold cut,overlap cut,contrast color combination.patch color dyeing and color filling.As to the style,paper cutting is classified into folk style,court style,literati style and popular style.Chinese paper cutting,influenced by folk customs of different ages as well as by shadow play,embroidery and painting,takes various forms and is still vibrant with life.





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