
出版时间:2008-1  出版社:上海科学技术出版社  作者:程若韦 著  页数:194  


  Writing, as Francis Bacon says, makes one precise. This precision not only refers to what is overtly called speech, an entity right in front of one's naked eyes, but also to what stays covert,thinking, an ability of mind to breed out thoughts and to transfer them into linear words. It is not uncommon for one to be able to write in its general sense, but it is of particular difference if one wants to write precisely along with specific contents.


ForewordPrefaceUnit One An Overview on Research Paper Writing1.1 The Definition of a Research Paper1.2 The Categories of Research PapersUnit Two The Format of a Research Paper2.1 The Fundamental Components of a Research Paper2.2 The Major StylesUnit Three The Writing Process of a Research Paper3.1 The Writing Process Awareness3.2 The Stages in Research Paper Writing ProcessUnit Four The Key Steps in Research Paper Writing Process4.1 The Decision on a Topic4.2 The Library Work——The Collection of Research Material for ReferenceUnit Five The Key Parts of a Research Paper5.1 The Outlining5.2 A Thesis Statement5.3 An Abstract5.4 An Introduction5.5 The Body and a ConclusionUnit Six The key Strategies to Avoid Plagiarism in Research Paper Writing6.1 Plagiarism6.2 When to Give Credit and What to be Given Credit6.3 The Particular Skills to Avoid Plagiarism6.4 The Specific Writing Techniques to Avoid PlagiarismUnit Seven Documentation in Research Paper Writing7.1 Introduction7.2 Chicago Manual Style7.3 MLA Documentation Style7.4 APA Documentation StyleBibliography




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