
出版时间:2009-4  出版社:World Scientific Publishing Company  作者:Jimin Wang,K. Chimin Wong  页数:906  


  王吉民、伍连德两位先生撰写的《中国臀史》是第一部用英文全面阐述中国膏学历史成就的光辉巨著。此次上海辞书出版社要将其影印出版,我感到十分欣慰。出版社的同仁希望我写几句话,我就将自己近年来的一些思考,进行简单梳理,权作引玉之砖。  其实封臀学史,我也是初窥其径。虽然从读书到工作,几十年间我都没有离开过医学领域,然而真正关注医学史,却是晚近之事。2003午“非典”肆虐期间,我开始研究传染病的历史,之后封医学史兴趣日浓。通过研究医学史,我封医学的本质以及发展规律有了更深入的认识,也深刻地感受到当前医学与人文日益脱离的趋势,这就更让我坚定了医学应当回归人文的理念。  古往今来,各类史作可谓汗牛充栋,然而传世的医学史却寥若晨星。适大概是由于医学史的特殊性造成的,医学史难写,因为它不仅仅是医学科学和技术的历史,更是封生命、生、死以及与之相关的人生问题的认识史;它不仅是经,输的、遭辑的,同时也应是哲学的、审荚的、人文的。回溯臀学史,就是封医学价值的精神回归。


王吉民、伍连德两位先生撰写的《中国医史》是第一部用英文全面阐述中国医学历史成就的光辉巨著。书中具体收录了:《王吉民和中国首家医史博物馆的创办》、《中国近代杰出的医学家——伍连德博士》等文章。 本书适合从事相关研究工作的人员参考阅读。




  The liver produces the ligaments, forms the heart, and oontrolsthe lungs.The heart produces the blood, forms the spleen, and controls the kidneys.The spleen produces the flesh, forms the lungs,and controls the liver.The lungs produce the skin and hair, formthe kidneys, and control the heart.The kidneys produce the bonemarrow, form the liver, and control the spleen.  The five organs control the five senses and all parts of the body.The liver has the eye for its opening, converts the fluid into tears,supplies the ligaments, and nourishes the nails.The heart has thetongue for its opening, converts the fluid into perspiration, suppliesthe pulse, and nourishes the complexion.The spleen has the mouthas its opening, converts the fluid into saliva, supplies the flesh, andnourishes the lips.The lungs have the nose as their opening, convertthe fluids into nasal secretion, supply the skin, and nourish the finehairs.The kidneys have the ear and the genitourinary meatus foropenings, they convert the fluids into spittle, supply the bone, andnourish the coarse hairs.  The five organs are related to the six viscera, there being a mutualreciprocity in their actions.The lungs relate to the large intestines,which answer to the skin; the heart relates to the small intestines,which answer to the arteries; the liver relates to the gallbladder,which answers to the ligaments; the spleen relates to the stomach,which answers to the muscles; the kidneys relate to the three "burningspaces" and bladder, and answer to the skin and the hairs.




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