
出版时间:2000-5  出版社:上海译文出版社  作者:陈锡麟,王珽 著  页数:175  


  上海市教委制定的《面向21世纪上海市中小学外语学科教育改革行动纲领》明确要求高中毕业生要做到一门外语能力基本过关。为真正提高学生听、说、读、写的能力,高中外语词汇量要求达到5千单词,阅读量达到60万个单词。  要达到这样的目标,依靠课堂内阅读有限的课文材料显然是远远不够的。学生只有通过足够的阅读训练,才能获得较为理想的语言能力。  阅读能力的强弱相当程度上反映出学生语言运用能力的优劣。因而在各种水平的英语考试中,阅读理解的测试都是一个非常重要的部分。加强阅读方面的训练,有利于英语水平的提高,自然也是备考工作中不可或缺的一环了。  有鉴于此,我们选编了这一本《新编高中英语阅读强化训练》供学生课外阅读。本书内容分为社会与文化、科学与技术以及趣味故事等三大类别。前两个部分的阅读主要是以获取信息为目的,后一部分的阅读则更多是为了提高兴趣。对于提高阅读能力来说,各种材料的阅读都是必要的。通过阅读各种类型的材料,可以巩固和扩大词汇量,提高理解力和阅读速度。但从考试角度来看,则宜将重点较多地集中在知识性的材料。为此,我们在选材的比例上较多地偏向于前两个部分:在所选的材料中社会文化和科技知识类共占72.5%,而故事类则只占27.5%。根据通用的测试习惯,每篇材料后都设计了五道测试理解能力的选择题。书后附有全部答案。  希望本书对高中学生英语学习会有所帮助。书中凡有疏漏不妥之处,谨请读者指正为感。




怎样提高英语阅读理解能力第一部分 社会与文化知识第二部分 科技知识第三部分 趣味故事Key to Exercises(练习答案)


  How do foreign visitors view Americans these days?  One group, after a month-long tour, was agreed that they are friendly —— but eat to(much. wenty-nine from South Africa had glimpsed a good portion of the United States incoast-to-coast bus tour and were interviewed as they headed home. For most, it was theiJfirst visit to the country。What they saw, many said, was far different from what they expected after watching alhome such TV shows as “Dallas” and “Magnum”。“We expected the people to be six foot six inches tall and bigger than life. We foundout they are ordinary people, just like us,”said One tourist。But if Americans werent all six-foot-six, the travelers~~tid they did find them large inanother way。They also were impressed by the Grand Canyon. “We have canyons in South Africa,but they wouldnt be the filling in a tooth compared to this one,” a traveller said。She said she was impressed by the orderly, efficient way large crowds of people werehandled at Disneyland in California and at the White House tour。“Nobody jumped queue even once or tried to be pushy,” she said。“We thought the cabbies in New York were especially helpful and friendly, ”she add-ed。But some group members were shocked by the derelicts in New York City, sleeping onpark benches and in subway entrances。“We saw this one poor man without any shoes on and hi:elothe dirty:and worn-out. Ithink it is shocking, and your government should do something to help those people,” saidODe woman。Her husband also said they were surprised to see so many drunks in the streets。



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