
出版时间:2004-08  出版社:上海译文出版社  作者:孙维新  页数:314  字数:273000  


为了方便我国广大参与国际交流活动的人士能全面地认识并介绍中国传统文化,也为了方便将来在国际舞台上一展身手的学生们增加中国传统文化知识积累,更为了方便外国友人能快捷了解中国传统文化,《经典中国》(中文、英文和日文版)自古而今,由点及面地介绍了中国经典性的传统文化。    本书没有径直叩开正史的大门,而是对博大精深的中国文化作浮光掠影式的巡访,将其中绚丽多彩的部分汇编成15篇,以飨广大读者。


CHAPTER 1 Ancient History and Brilliant Civilization  ⅠAncient History  ⅡTrack of Civilization Development  ⅢParagons of Ancient Economy and CultureCHAPTER 2 Centering on Man,and Stressing the Deeds  ⅠSparkles of Creative Wisdom of Pre-Qin Philosophers  ⅡCharacteristics of Chinese Philosophy  ⅢQuintessence of Chinese PhilosophyCHAPTER 3 Miraculous ,Mystic and Sacred  ⅠTraditional Religions Influential in China  ⅡHeaven_A Mystic Concept in Chinese ReligionsCHAPTER 4 Ideograph and Pictograph Rich in Senses  ⅠSpuare Han Script  ⅡChinese LanguageCHAPTER 5 Mighty Surges in the Flow of Literature  ⅠBook of Poems  Ⅱ The Prose in the Pre-Qin Period  Ⅲ Poetry of the South and "Fu"in the Han Dynasty  Ⅳ Radiant Poety in the Tang Dynasty  ⅤSplendid Song Poems  ⅥNovels in the Ming and Qing DynastiesCHAPTER 6 Eastern Styles of World Renown  ⅠChinese Painting with a Unique Technique  ⅡCalligraphy Elgant in Exteror and Intelligent in InteriorCHAPTER 7 Breathtaking Dramas on the StageCHAPTER 8 Music,Singing and DanceCHAPTER 9 Magnificent ArchitectureCHAPTER 10   Medicine Benefiting Human BeingsCHAPTER 11 Exercises of Bones,Muscles,Vitality and BreathCHAPTER 12 Splendid Chinese CuisineCHAPTER 13 Pragmatic Chinese InventionsCHAPTER 14 Splendid Culture and Magnificent Natural SceneryCHAPTER 15 Meticulous Craftsmanship




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