
出版时间:2010-9  出版社:上海译文出版社  作者:《2011年高三英语备考试题集》编写组 编  页数:314  




第一部分 单项训练  第一章 语法  第二章 选词填空  第三章 完形填空  第四章 阅读理解  第五章 汉译英  第六章 写作第二部分 高考模拟试卷   试卷一  试卷二  试卷一  讽卷二  试卷四  试卷五  试卷六  试卷七  试卷八  试卷九  试卷十参考答案


  You are what you eat. This saying has provided scientists with clues about the diet of hominids (人科动物) —— our early relatives of 3 million years ago.Studying carbon atoms locked up in tooth enamel (珐琅质), two researchers argue against the widely held belief that hominids ate little more than fruits and leaves. Sponheimer and Julia Lee-Thorp of the University of Cape Town, SouthAfrica, report their findings in Friday's Science.  There aren't many clues for us to know the life of early hominids. The shape of hominids' teeth offered the first clues. Large and fiat-edged with thick enamel, they looked perfect for eating nuts and fruits, different from the sharp teeth one would want to tear into meat with. The first stone tools, which would help in eating meat, didn't appear until about half a million years later.  Scientists have also found marks on hominids' teeth with patterns very similar to those on the teeth of modern-day fruit eaters. Sponheimer and Lee-Thorp tried a new method, looking at the chemical composition of the tooth enamel. They studied the enamel for the carbon-13. Animals that eat grasses have higher carbon-13, which meant not only they were eating fruits, they were eating a lot of grasses or animals eating grasses. The lower carbon-13 levels could also come from eating certain types of insects.



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