
出版时间:2004-1-1  出版社:山东科学技术出版社  作者:索玉柱,吕伟强  页数:96  字数:417000  




1996年–2003年任《科技英语学习》(月刊)主编;1996年应美国驻华大使James R. Sasser之邀,以leading citizen身份遍访美国并讲学。访美回国后,与四名美国教授合作编书10余册。


  Japan is,in short,passing through a national identity crisis.However,there are plenty of positive as-pects to it,too.One is a considerable increase in the number of actual or budding young entrepreneurs.The numbers remain modest,but are nevertheless surprisingly high given the state of the economy in recent years.Another is a new eagerness among popular writers and maverick politicians to try to define and ell,courage a new national pride.  57.What can we learn about the social changes in Japanese society?  A)They are always accompanied by a national identity crisis.  B)They often happen in large scale but end up in sinail effect.  C)They often take place simply while resulting in huge accumulative consequences.  D)They often take.place without being analyzed and reported because of their complexity.  58.We can infer from the second paragraph that——.  A)Japan is going through a serious political instability  B)a motionless economy might have a negative influence on society  C)severe mental strain is affecting most people in Japan  D)job pressure caused many people to suffer from a break  59.How are the school violence and truancy in Japan?  A)They are tiring Japanese parents up for a long time.  B)They are not as serious as most Japanese have imagined.  C)They are quickly on the increase especially in recent years,  D)They are obviously endangering the safety of Japanese students.  60.Whats the reason behind school violence and truancy in Japan?  A)Schools and parents do not want to handle errant children effectively.  B)Economic cease has reduced parentstime to communicate with their children.  C)Youths violence has already wide-spread among students and they find it exciting.  D)Children are influenced by problems in the adult world and rules are not strict enough.  61.What can we learn from the last paragraph?  A)The country can benefit nothing from the national identity crisis.  B)The Japanese economy in recent years is not very good.  C)Lots of young workers were fired for the national identity crisis.  DY Writers and politicians in Japan gave an ironic description to the crisis.  Passage Two  Questions 62 to 66 ale based on the following passage.  Although the dream of the home robot has not died,robots have had their greatest impact in factories. Unimate.the first industrial robot,went to work for General Motors in 1961.EVen at a time when computing power was costly,robots made excellent workers and proved that machines controlled by computers could perform some tasks better than humans.In addition,robots can work around the clock and never go on strike.  There are now about 800 000 industrial robots around the world,and orders for new robots in the first half of 2007 were uD a record 26%from the same period in 2006,according to the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe(UNECE).Demand is increasing as prices fall:a robot sold in 2007 cost less than a fifth of an equivalent robot sold in 1990,for example.Today,in car factories in Japan,Germany and Italy, there is more thafi one robot for every ten production workers.





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