
出版时间:2013-1  出版社:常青藤语言教学中心 安徽教育出版社 (2013-01出版)  作者:常青藤语言教学中心 编译  页数:320  


  “每天读点好英文”系列升级版是专为有提高英文水平需要和兴趣的年轻朋友们量身打造的一套“超级学习版”双语读物,此套图书在选取优美文章的同事,附有较强的学习功能。 “美文欣赏”、“词汇笔记”、“小试身手”“短语家族”将是阅读《每天读点好英文:那些岁月,与你有关》的提升重点,这就真正形成了一个初学者的学习体系——记忆单词、学习语法、运用词组、实践运用,不愁英语功底学习得不扎实。  作为双语读物,《每天读点好英文:那些岁月,与你有关》让英语学习变得轻松有趣,在阅读中潜移默化地学习。突显学习功能,补充句型详解,提升语法实力。文后附阅读测验,提升文章理解力。




《那些岁月,与你有关》目录: 爱是一生的约定 Love Is a Date of Life 一生之恋 佚名 Forever in Their Eyes Anonymous 汉诺威广场,不见不散 佚名 My Darling Wife Anonymous 玫瑰之约 佚名 Roses for Rose Anonymous 看不见的线 佚名 Love Is Just a Thread Anonymous 忍耐的报答 佚名 Rice Pudding Anonymous 最后的告白 佚名 Words from the Heart Anonymous 梦想之舟 洛林·M.格雷 Broken Promises Lorraine M.Gregoir 爱的救生绳 佚名 Homemaking Anonymous 高尔夫罗曼史 南茜·B.布斯 Golf Course Romance Nancg B.Gibbs 至 爱 大卫·S.匹萨斯基 Moments of Love David S. Pisetsky 爱成就自信 佚名 Butterfly Kisses Anonymous 点滴使爱延续 安妮特·帕克斯曼·鲍思 The Best Kind of Love Annetle Paxman Bowen 执子之手,与子偕老 达芙娜·勒南 A Gentle Caress Daphna Renan 年的美丽早餐 玛里琳·迈尔斯·斯拉德 Just Two for Breakfast Marilyn Myers Slade 你愿意和我约会吗? 佚名 Will You Go out with Me· Anonymous 滑向永远的爱情 佚名 Roller Romance Anonymous 走在阳光里 佚名 Keep Walking in Sunshine Anonymous 错过的舞会 佚名 Missing the Dance Anonymous 你可听见我心动 Have You Heard My Heartbeat 迟来的婚礼 佚名 Letter in the Wallet Anonymous 蹉跎的爱 佚名 Waiting for Love Anonymous 深爱无言 佚名 The Silent Love Anonymous 圣诞节女友 佚名 Story of Regret Anonymous 在树林里 居伊·德·莫泊桑 In the Wood Guy de Maupassant 月台的等待 佚名 Detour to Romance Anonymous 爱是陪伴 佚名 If Only I had Known 爱走过风雨 佚名 Enduring Love Anonymous 纸上的爱情 安贝·普赖斯 Caught by Her Smile Amber Price 黄手帕 佚名 Going Home Anonymous 暖暖的河流 厄斯金·考德威尔 Warm River Erskine Caldwell 你还记得么 佚名 Yellow Post—It’s by Ishita Vora Anonymous 最后一封信 佚名 The Last Relationship Anonymous 逝去的爱 约翰·沃尔特斯 First Love John Walters 怀旧的爱 佚名 My One and Only Anonymous 缘,妙不可言 Destiny, too Wonderful 红玫瑰的考验 S.L.基舍 Appointment with Love S.L. kishor 红苹果奇缘 赫尔曼与罗玛·罗森布拉特 Hungry for Your Love Herman and Roma Rosenblat 康复医院里的婚礼 伊丽莎折·库伯勒—罗斯 Where Love Lands Elisabeth Kubler—Ross 不合身的婚纱带来的称心爱人 桑迪·威廉斯·德里弗 The Blessed Dress Sandy Williams Driver 你的手机还开着么 佚名 Late at Night Anonymous 生日夏威夷 曼迪 Life's Little Wonders Mandy 完美爱人 佚名 In Life, We are Happiest When... Anonymous 真正的浪漫 佚名 Test of True Love Anonymous 壁橱里的秘密 佚名 The —dollar Bill Anonymous 半生的误会 佚名 Salty Coffee Anonymous 爱无处不在 佚名 How to Find True Love Anonymous 时间是爱的养料 佚名 Express Your Love, Don't Buy It Anonymous 音像店的邂逅 佚名 Say“I Love You” Anonymous 恋爱中的诗人 佚名 Unbosoming Myself Anonymous …… 《午夜惊恐之谜》 《因为有黑暗,所以有光明》 《站在巨人的肩膀上》 《那一场呼啸而过的青春》


版权页:   Of late years the public have been trying to tackle me in every way they possibly can, and failing to make anything of it they have turned to treating me as a great man. This is a dreadful fate to overtake anybody. There has been a distinct attempt to do it again now, and for that reason I absolutely decline to say anything about the celebration of my seventieth birthday. But when the Labor Party, my old friends the Labor Party, invited me here, I knew that I should be all right. Now, however, we have built up a Constitutional Party. We have built it up on a socialistic basis. My friend, Mr. Sidney Webb, Mr.Macdonald and myself said definitely at the beginning that what we had got to do was to make the Socialist Party a constitutional party to which any respectable God-fearing man could belong without the slightest compromise of his respectability. We got rid of all those traditions that is why Governments in the present day are more afraid of us than they were of any of the Radical people. Our position is a perfectly simple one and we have the great advantage of understanding our position. We oppose socialism to capitalism. According to the capitalists, there will be a guarantee to the world that every man in the country would get a job. They didn't contend it would be a well-paid job, because if it was well paid a man would save up enough one week to stop working the next week, and they were determined to keep a man working the whole time on a bare subsistence wage-and, on the other hand, divide an accumulation of capital. They said capitalism not only secured this for the working man,but, by insuring fabulous wealth in the hands of a small class of people, they would save money whether they liked it or not and would have to invest it. That is capitalism, and this Government is always interfering with capitalism. Instead of giving a man a job or letting him starve they are giving him doles after making sure he has paid for them first. They are giving capitalists subsidies and making all sorts of regulations that are breaking up their own system. All the time they are doing it, and we are telling them it is breaking up,they don't understand.





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