
出版时间:2004-8  出版社:浙江教育出版社  作者:郑秋秋 编  页数:116  


  《新课程新精编:高中英语(第2册上)(高2上用)(配人教版教材使用)》有针对性。依照课程标准所倡导的理念,确定编写的指导思想;针对新教材的教学内容,在讲述学习方法时示例典型,在选编习题时突出学科重点知识和内容,注重理论联系实际、知识迁移、思维拓展等能力的训练,充分考虑习题的难易程度,并渗透高考命题的方向和要求。  权威性。这套丛书由来自教学一线的名师编写,与新课程的教学理念及新教学大纲的要求一致。  实用性。这套丛书旨在便于教师教学和学生学习,例题和对应的练习均按单元编排。  创新性。每册按单元编写,每单元分别设有“重点难点解析”“单元习题精编”等栏目。


Unit 1 Making a differenceUnit 2 News mediaUnit 3 Art and architectureUnit 4 A garden of poemsUnit 5 The British IslesMid-term examinationUnit 6 Life in the futureUnit 7 Living with diseaseUnit 8 First aidUnit 9 Saving the earthUnit 10 Frightening natureFinal examinationKeys and tapescripts


  Pompeii was a Roman commercial center situated some ten kilometers from Mount Vesuvius. It was a beautiful and prosperous town. None of its inhabitants were worried about the volcano because it was considered to be dead. There were not even any records in existence of an eruption.  There were warnings before volcanic activity, but people didn't seem to recognize them. For example there was a violent local earthquake in A. D. 63 and minor earthquakes continued for several years after that. We now know that earthquakes often predict imminent(即将发生的) volcanic eruptions. However, those long ago Romans in Pompeii did not seem to know the danger was coming to them.  Probably the first written eye witness account in history of a volcanic eruption, comes from one Pliny the Younger in a letter he wrote to Tacitus. He writes how a great cloud rose from Mount Vesuvius at about noon on the 24th August, A.D. 79. Pompeii was covered by falling ash.



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