
出版时间:2009-6  出版社:浙江教育  作者:郑斐斐 编  页数:120  


古人云:“熟读唐诗三百首,不会作诗也会吟。”古人又云:“读书破万卷,下笔如有神。”英伦名仕Francisco Bacon爵士亦云:“Reading maketh a full man.”(读书使人完美。)英语中更有格言,日:“Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body.”(阅读之于心灵,犹如运动之于身体。)    学习一门语言,阅读和背诵是两件很重要的事情。    阅读可以使人明理,使人睿智。在阅读的过程中,我们感知语言的美,感悟语境的美。通过阅读,我们培养语感,积累素材。通过阅读,我们体验文化,训练思维。    背诵可以使人博古通今,使人雄辩。在背诵的过程中,我们体验英语的用词习惯,我们感受英语的行文习惯。通过背诵,我们巩固词汇,强化写作。通过背诵,我们提升思维,拓展自我。    为了给初中学生的英语学习提供朗读和背诵的材料,我们经过一年多的筹备,组织来自于浙江省的优秀的中学教师,编写了《英语经典美文诵读》。    本书选材时充分考虑了《英语课程标准》的要求和现行初中英语教材的语法、话题及词汇,具有题材新颖、体裁广泛、循序渐进、难易适当、语言优美、朗朗上口等特点。每篇文章中的生词均有注释(诃陛、英汉双语解释),对重点句型和优美句子均进行了强调,以供学生参考,学生在阅读之后还能记录学习到的新词和新句型。


Section One Animals  Passage1  Passage2  Passage3  Passage4  Passage5Section Two Food  Passage1  Passage2  Passage3  Passage4  Passage5Section Three People  Passage1  Passage2  Passage3  Passage4  Passage5Section Four School Life  Passage1  Passage2  Passage3  Passage4  Passage5Section Five Fables  Passage1  Passage2  Passage3  Passage4  Passage5Section Six Culture  Passage1  Passage2  Passage3  Passage4  Passage5Section Seven Univerese  Passage1  Passage2  Passage3  Passage4  Passage5Section Eight Sports  Passage1  Passage2  Passage3  Passage4  Passage5Section Nine Travel    Passage1  Passage2  Passage3  Passage4  Passage5Section Ten Social Studies  Passage1  Passage2  Passage3  Passage4  Passage5


  Coach May always makes sure everyone plays in each game, butI dont really like it, because I dont like soccer. I dont like wear-ing shin guards, either. But I am still in the team.  When Mondays game was almost over, Coach May put me in.The score was tied. The ball was coming right at me. I heard thecrowd, "Kick the ball! " What should I do? What if I kicked it intothe stands? What if I slipped and fell?  My team shouted, "Kick the ball! " So I did. I lifted my foot andkicked it as hard as I could. It flew through the air. Guess what? Itwent right into the gate. I kicked the winning goal.  Maybe soccer isnt so bad after all.



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用户评论 (总计7条)


  •   文章很有趣适合学生阅读.内容简短易懂
  •   值得背。不知道孩子有没有耐心背完
  •   很好,很适用!
  •   老师要求孩子阅读的书籍之一,买回来全家一起阅读。
  •   文章有趣,精短
  •   经常读一读
  •   这书好小 好小 别被蒙住了呀!

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