
出版时间:2009-06-01  出版社:浙江少儿  作者:吴梦林  


Unit 1  How often do you exercise?Section ASection BSelf checkUnit 2  What's the matter? Section ASection BSelf checkUnit 3  What are you doing for vacation?Section ASection BSelf checkUnit 4  How do you get to school?Section ASection BSelf checkUnit 5  Can you come to my party?Section ASection BSelf checkUnit 6  I'm more outgoing than my sister. Section ASection BSelf check期中测试卷Unit 7  How do you make a banana milk shake?Section ASection BSelf checkUnit 8  How was your school trip7Section ASection BSelf checkUnit 9  When was he born? Section ASection BSelf checkUnit 10  I'm going to be a bas ketball player. Section ASection BSelf checkUnit 11  Could you please clean your room?Section ASection B  Self checkUnit 12  What's  the  best  radio station?  Section ASection BSelf check期末测试卷听力材料及部分参考答案



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