Bronze Ware-铜器-古董拍卖精华

出版时间:2012-3  出版社:湖南美术出版社  作者:金良  页数:160  




Guide to the Use of This Series
Ⅱ. Musical Itruments
Ⅲ. Weapo
Ⅳ. Bronze Mirro
Ⅴ. Religious statues and appliances
Ⅶ. Othe


金良编著的《铜器》内容介绍:The earliest record about excavation of Chinese bronze wares was found in the Han Dynasty, which was regarded as an auspicious sign at that time. it is recorded in Historic Record-Regulations of Offering Sacrifices to Heaven and Earth that once Emperor Wu got an ancient bronze ware, and asked Mr. Shaelun for its origin.Mr. Shaojun answered that this item was once put on the Bai Qin by Duke Huan of Qi. Confirmed by the later found inscription on it, the item did belong to Duke Huan of Qi. Everyone was shocked and thought ME Shaojun was immortal so that he would live for such a long life and know things happened hundreds of years ago. Another record is found in Book of Former Han Treatise on Sacrifice, which is about where to put a bronze ware discovered and presented to Emperor Xuan.



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