
出版时间:2011-4  出版社:北岳文艺出版社  作者:王言涵  页数:317  


  这是一个来自中国的少年写给世界孩子的故事,这些故事充满着神秘、惊异、勇敢和刺激。我很奇怪,这个作者写出这样离奇的故事,灵感来自什么地方呢?  作者王言涵出生在1980年代的中国。他出生的年代要比他的父辈幸运得多了,因为在他成长的岁月里,除了有许多书,甚至有外国神话故事可以看,还有很多获得故事的渠道,如广播、电视。  我知道正是在他的童年时期,他读到、听到、看到了许多神奇好玩的故事,当然这些故事是他的父辈在童年时从未享受过的。正是这些故事深深地影响了一个充满好奇的心灵,开启了这个中国孩子超凡想象的闸门。  王言涵在15岁的时候到了新西兰。我不知道从北半球到南半球,他的身体经过多长时间才能够适应,不过可以肯定地说,他的心灵是欢快的、自由的。在这里他又被西方的神话故事所吸引,接下来他开始展现自己讲故事的天赋了。我想,无论东方还是西方的孩子,看了他写的故事,都会从中找到认同感,他把中国的神话元素与西方的神话元素,都汇集在自己故事的魔法锅里加以提炼,并用现代青少年的习惯语言书写出来,这个语言既不属于东方也不属于西方,它属于世界!所以说王言涵创造了一个属于世界的故事。  我曾经在我的一部纪录片中写过这样的一句话:当许多接近中年的中国人,谈着“与国际接轨”的话题时,他们的孩子早已站在了世界的平台上。  这些孩子的未来属于世界,未来的世界也属于他们。




版权页:   There was confusion from both sides as they watched the stunning result of Yan's seemingly weak attack."I don't understand. Can he use magic?" asked Brian,amazedly "It is not magic," Li answered. "It's called Qigong.In simple sense it is about using energy within one's body.It allows the user to focus his energyinto one exploding force.” "So it makes you stronger," Rose summarised. Li nodded, but he also had a strange light in his eyes. "However Yan's technique just nowis completely different from what I just said,He didn't just focus the energy at his palm. He also injected it," "Injected?" "I get it now," Amarantha said while still attending to the boy's wound. "Once the energy was inside,it bounced within the host's body trying to escape, and thus it resuks in a serious damage to one's internal organs." "Exactly," Liverified and bit down his teeth in a mixture of anger and defeat. Back to the battle at hand,Yan didn't say a word as he watched the swordsman fall to the ground.Action spoke louder than words. It was the young warrior's strongest wish that those men over there would get his message and backed off.Judging by their face,there was no doubt that the other side had received his message. Although since they were reaching for their weapons instead of backing away,they might have misinterpreted it. Just then, another man walked forth, who was evidently unlike the others. He was tall, dark haired,and wore a set of more luxurious designed clothes than others. What was attracting attention was his weapon. It was a heavy sword with the blade five times as wide as any normal sword and three times as long. Merely carrying this gigantic weapon suggested this man possessed a superhuman-like strength. "I think I will be your next opponent, you arrogant brat," he said and glanced at the rest of the men especially the injured swordsman. "Weaklings! Get out of my sight!" Following his words, he kicked the swordsman.The kick was so hard that it made the once strong swordsman seemed like nothing but a block of dry bushes as he was sent flying to the other side of the street before crushing into an open shop.





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用户评论 (总计3条)


  •   孩子喜欢看,对学习英语有帮助,也不会那么枯燥
  •   这是一本全英文的小说,作者也是中国人,很值得去读一读,书非常的好。
  •   天啊,在商品所属分类---图书>少儿>11-14岁>文学---一本全英文的读物。商品详情里没有任何介绍和说明,标题只是说是一本奇幻、魔幻小说。这不是坑爹啊。我国儿童的英文水平不是这么高吧。

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