
出版时间:2005-2  出版社:吉林科学技术出版社  作者:赵宝昌等编  页数:514  字数:840000  


   20世纪70年代末,我国恢复了高考制度。一些高等医科院校开始尝试招收六年制外语医学班,采用了双语教学。1990年由原白求恩医科大学等10余所医科院校共同编写,吉林科学技术出版社出版的《人体解剖学》(英文版)、《局部解剖学》(英文版)教材满足了英语医学班的教学需要。这两种英文版教材至今已出到了第三版。    近些年来,一些规模较大的医科院校开始招收七年制的本一硕连读学生,并逐年扩大招生规模。2004年教育部又新批准了几所院校招收八年制本一硕一博连读学生。这些学生都将采用双语或英语教学。教学中迫切需要一套既适合中国国情又符合我国教学大纲要求的英文版医学教材。为满足这一需求,我社于2003年春夏组织全国30多所大学基础医学各相关学科教学第二线直接从事双语教学的教师编写了这套基础医学双语教学英文版系列教材。参编人员绝大多数都在国外学习工作多年,既有扎实的专业基础,又具有较雄厚的英文功底,还具有本专业丰富的教学经验。本系列教材有的学科邀请了新加坡、瑞典、日本、美国的相关专家参加了编写,有的全书或部分请外籍专家进行了审校。本套教材以国内医学教学大纲为基本框架,主要适合七年制、八年制医学、药学专业教学使用,亦可供留学生及外语基础较好的五年制教学使用。


INTRODUCTIONPART I  STRUCTURES AND FUNCTIONS OF BIOMOLECULESChapter 1  Structures and Functions of Nucleic Acids   Section 1.1  The Monomeric Units of Nucleic Acids    Nucleotides     1.1.1  Structure of Nucleotides     1.1.2  Properties of Nucleosides and Nucleotides   Section 1.2  Structure of DNA     1.2.1  Primary Structure of DNA     1.2.2  Secondary Structure of DNA     1.2.3  Superhelix of DNA  Section 1.3  Structure and Function of RNA     1.3.1  Structure of RNA     1.3.2  Types and Functions of RNAs  Section 1.4  Properties of Nucleic Acids     1.4.1  Denaturation and Renaturation of Nucleic Acids     1.4.2  Hybridization  Section 1.5  Catalytic RNA and DNA     1.5.1  Ribozymes     1.5.2  Deoxyribozymes  Section 1.6  Genomics and the Human Genome Project     1.6.1  Characteristics of Eukaryotic Genome DNA     1.6.2  The Human Genome Project  SummaryChapter 2  Structures and Functions of Proteins    Section 2.1  Amino Acid Composition and Linkage in Proteins     2.1.1  Amino Acid Composition of Proteins     2.1.2  The Linkage Between Amino Acids in Protein Molecules     2.1.3  Biologically Active Peptides  Section 2.2  Molecular Structure of Proteins     2.2.1  The Primary Structure of Proteins       2.2.2  Three-dimensional Structure of Proteins     2.2.3  The Molecular Structure of Collagen  Section 2.3  Structure-Function Relationships of Protein     2.3.1  Relationships of Primary Structure and Function     2.3.2  Structure-Function Relationships of Myoglobin and Hemoglobin     2.3.3  Prion Protein and Protein Conformational Disease  Section 2.4  Protein Physicochemical Properties and Principles of Purification     2.4.1  Protein Physicochemical Properties ……



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