
出版社:广东省出版集团,广东教育出版社  作者:顾希佳 著  页数:201  




一、太阳、月亮和星星(壮族)1.The Sun,the Moon and the Stars(From the Zhuang Ethnic Minority Group)二、女娲造人2.Goddess Nawa Creating Men三、伏羲兄妹(仫佬族)3.Fuxi and His Younger Sister(From the Mulao Ethnic Minority Group)四、二郎神捉太阳4.The Erlang God Catching the Suns五、神农尝百草5.Shennong Tasting Grasses and Herbs六、老虎拜师6.The Tiger Learning from a Teacher七、老鼠嫁女7.The Mouse Marrying off Her Daughter八、小鸡报仇(哈尼族)8.The Chickens Taking Revenge(From the Hani Ethnic Minority Group)九、猫狗结仇9.The Cat and the Dog Becoming Enemies十、孔子和如来佛10.Confucius and the Buddha十一、赵州桥11.The Zhaozhou Bridge十二、高亮赶水12.Gao Liang Catching Up with the Water十三、秃尾巴老李13.Baid.Tail Old Li十四、红松与人参14.The Korean Pine and Ginseng十五、钟鼓楼的大钟15.The Big Bell in Bell—Drum Tower十六、水淹泗州城16.The Flooding of Sizhou City十七、熊家婆17.Grandmother Bear十八、田螺姑娘(朝鲜族)18.The Snail—Girl(From the Korean Ethnic Minority Group)十九、蛇郎(瑶族)19.The Snake—Lad(From the Yao Ethnic Minority Group)二十、猎人海力布(蒙古族)20.Huntsman Hailibu(From the Mongolian Ethnic Minority Group)二十一、米碎姐和糠妹(京族)21.Smashed.Rice Sister and Chaff Sister(From the Jing Ethnic Minority Group)二十二、枣核22.Date Stone二十三、俩兄弟23.Two Brothers二十四、小镗锣24.The Little Magic Gong二十五、石门开25.The Rock.Door Opens二十六、范丹问佛26.Inquiring the Buddha二十七、一罐银子27.A Jar of Silver二十八、当“良心”28.Pawning“Conscience”二十九、渔夫与水鬼29.The Fisherman and the River Spirit三十王汤圆戏阎王30.Dumpling Wang Teasing the Yama三十一、巧媳妇31.The Smart Wife三十二、传家“宝碗”32.The Chipped Bowl—A Family Heirloom三十三、钱串串和糖罐罐33.Coin Strings and Sugar Jars三十四、说“梦”(藏族)34.Talking About“Dream”(From the Tibetan Ethnic Minority Group)三十五、阿凡提的故事(维吾尔族)3 5.Two Stories About Avanti(From the Uygur Ethnic Minority Group)国王上当了Fooling the King锅生儿A Reproductive Oyen



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