
出版时间:2010-10  出版社:天津科技翻译出版公司  作者:帖建  页数:172  




本书最初用英文写成,现为方便国内读者,将其译成中文,以英汉双语形式出版。     在本书所讨论的所有36例病例中,每例都包含数张电生理描记图。如第一例包含五张图,它们标为Fig 1—1至Fig 1—5,按阿拉伯数字顺序排列直至Fig 36—4(即第36例,包含四张图)。为给读者尝试自我解读的机会,我并未在每例的第一张图处标明最后诊断,而是仅逐层分析,故当读者读完每例所有各张图后,最后诊断自然就应水到渠成般涌出了。


Figure 1Figure 2Figure 3Figure 4Figure 5Figure 6Figure 7Figure 8Figure 9Figure 10Figure 11Figure 12Figure 13Figure 14Figure 15Figure 16Figure 17Figure 18Figure 19Figure 20Figure 21Figure 22Figure 23Figure 24Figure 25Figure 26Figure 27Figure 28Figure 29Figure 30Figure 31Figure 32Figure 33Figure 34Figure 35Figure 36


插图:That depends on how you interpret the very first atrial signal after theRV- pacing stops (three pacing beats were showing here). If you think itis an ectopic activation,and it is similar to all the following atrial signals inthe run,then you can say this is A-Tach.Hold on! Before you can say that for sure,you need to rule out thepossibilities of any reentry type tachycardia. First,A-Tach is not usuallyinitiated by the PES. (But we do see cases where PES initiates an A-Tach.So this discrepancy alone is not strong enough to rule out A-Tach in thiscase.)Second,let's carefully check the three RV-pacing beats. You mayimmediately find that there is a retrograde conduction block already. TheVA interval is not fixed. It becomes longer and longer (Wenckebachblock). Just imagine the third $1 has also successfully made theretrograde conduction albeit with a delay (S1-A interval = 490ms),andonly after that does the tachycardia start. Then you will realize that thistachycardiais not an A-Tach because the very first atrial signal after theRV- pacing is not an ectopic beat.





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用户评论 (总计6条)


  •   电生理原本就是很难的,要好好研读
  •   买回来发现内容非常高深,属于疑难病例类!
  •   好极了 好极了
  •   确实本好书
  •   还不错,但讲解并不详细,适合有相当电生理基础的人士阅读
  •   内容丰富,优点是例子多。

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