
出版时间:2010-7  出版社:山西教育出版社  作者:郑裕美 编  页数:127  




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  A tortoise is running on the grass. A hare comes up tohim and says,"What are you doing?  I am running." thetortoise answers.  "You can run? You cant run. You can only walk. "the hare says to the tortoise.  "1 can run faster than you. Lets have a race. " thetortoise says to the hare.  "OK! Lets run to the tall tree over there. Lets seewho can get there first. " the hare answers.  The tortoise and the hare begin to run.After a whilethe hare runs to a small tree. He wants to have a sleep. He thinks the tortoiseis too slow. He cant get to the tall tree first. Soon the hare sleeps. The tor-toise goes on. He doesnt stop.  When the hare wakes up,the tortoise is sitting under the tall tree. The tor-toise is the first. The hare has nothing to say.



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