
出版时间:2012-1  出版社:山西出版传媒集团,山西教育出版社  作者:张绍堂 编  页数:462  


  《新教材完全解读:初中英语大讲堂(9年级下学期)(外研版)》特点:  全真设计课堂上的每一分钟,让教与学完美聂动,在轻松、快乐的氛围中完成你的充实学习新计划。  全面呈现教材中的每一要点,事无巨细,都给予最为充分、详细的讲解,让你感受无微不至、非同一般的呵护。  全心解决学习中的每一困惑,真正做到有求必应,有疑必答,让你举一反三,一通百通。


[Module 1] TravelUnit 1 The flight was lateUnit 2 You're sitting in my seatUnit 3 Language in use[Module 2] EducationUnit 1 It was great to see her againUnit 2 What's the best thing about school?Unit 3 Language in use[Module 3] Now and thenUnit I People are healthier todayUnit 2 We weren't very rich, but we were happyUnit 3 Language in use[Module 4] The way we lookUnit 1 I really like these shoesUnit 2 What helps you choose the clothes you 1ike?Unit 3 Language in use[Module 5] Rules and suggestionsUnit 1 You must keep to the pathUnit 2 You mustn't moveUnit 3 Language in useRevision module A[Module 6] Look after yourself !Unit 1 He has had an accidentUnit 2 You should always go with someoneUnit 3 Language in use[Module 7] Eating togetherUnit 1 When's the school leavers' party?Unit 2Knives and forks- are used for most foodUnit 3 Language in use[Module 8] On the townUnit 1 I was pleased to see itUnit 2 It' s a wonderful town !Unit 3 Language in use[Module 9] English for you and meUnit 1 I'm proud of what I've learntUnit 2 We all own EnglishUnit 3 Language in use[ Module 10] My future lifeUnit 1 I'm going to miss my classmatesUnit 2 I wish you success for the futureUnit 3 Language in useRevision module BWorkbook参考答案



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