
出版时间:2009-6  出版社:海南  作者:张鑫友  页数:196  


英语阅读理解从形式上来看可分为广义上的阅读理解和狭义上的阅读理解。广义上的阅读理解,即通过对一篇文章、一段对话,甚至一个句子的阅读,以达到理解之目的。在现在各类考试中的表现形式有:完形填空、阅读理解、短文改错、短文填空等。狭义上的阅读理解就是我们常见的一种“阅读理解”题目,这种阅读理解题目的表现形式又可细分为回答问题、正误判断、单项选择、完成句子等。《飞越阅读·考前周周测》丛书是按广义上的阅读理解各种题型而编写,它是严格按照最新修订的高校英语考试(CET4、CET6、TEM4、TEM8)大纲来编写,以星期来进行划分,全书的题量设置和结构安排是以让考生在每周对所有这些阅读题型进行一次总体性的综合训练为目的。将全书的体例定为每周一练有两大明显的优势,一是由于广义上的阅读理解题涉及的信息量巨大,需要考生付出大量的时间和精力来消化吸收所学的知识,因此每周进行一次这样的综合训练对考生来说是较为科学的时间安排;二是此套书籍可以和《飞越阅读·考前每日一篇》系列配合使用,即每天抽出一点时间进行Reading Comprehension题型的练习,然后一周再做一次综合训练。对时间紧张的考生来说,这样无论在训练量上还是时间配比上都比较容易接受。




审订者简介:张鑫友是我国外语界著名学者、考试辅导专家,中国教育家协会理事、香港国际教育中心研究员,长期从事语言学、语法学、测试学研究。他分别在商务印书馆等出版社出版了英语著作100余部;在上海外国语大学学报《外国语》等刊物上发表了学术论文近百篇,多篇被美国《世界著名图书目录》收录。由他主编的“张鑫友英语系列”图书已成为著名品牌畅销书,每本书优势特色突出,皆具强烈的针对性和实用性,并以考试预测见长!《中国青年报》、《中国大学生》、《21st Century》、中国教育电视台、湖北电视台等多家权威媒体报道了他和他的英语系列,张教授被大学生亲切地称呼为“牛人张鑫友”!“学了张鑫友,考试不用愁”变得越来越流行!


Test 1Test 2Test 3Test 4Test 5Test 6Test 7Test 8Test 9Test 10Test 11Test 12Test 13Test 14Test 15Test 16Test 17Test 18答案及详析


It was clear that the Romans were going to win. The Jews had no hope of keeping theirfreedom, and were facing certain death.But the Jews were determined to die as free men, preferring to kill themselves whilethey were still free. They would not wait for the Roman victory, and decided to make aterrible sacrifice.Every man took his wife and children to his own room. First they burned all theirbelongings, and said a loving goodbye to each other. When they could say no more the menkilled their wives' and children.Sadly they returned to a place in the centre of the fort. Their lives had no value now,and they chose ten men to kill all the others. Hundreds of men then lay down beside theirdead families, and the ten chosen officers had the dreadful task of killing them all.Finally, the last ten men chose one to complete the sacrifice. He had to kill his ninecompanions and then he killed himself.The character of Masada lives in those simple huts and not in the ruins of the palace.Everything that has been uncovered by the archaeologists shows the truth of the old storyabout the sacrifice at Masada.1. Yadin needed hundreds of people to help him because the palace of Masada was hugeand the work was difficult.2. The residents of the palace didn't need to worry about water supplies for there was aspring in it.3. The Jews were determined to committee suicide rather than surrender to the Romans.


《飞越阅读·考前突破周周测:大学英语(4级)(第2版)》:读张鑫友英语系列 过英语考试难关各类阅读题型尽在收囊中:快速阅读、仔细阅读、篇章理解、完形填空、短文改错、句子翻译……一周一侧,科学安排;综合训练,迅速提高。直击命题,切中要害;各校名师,悉心点评。



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