
出版时间:2007年8月1日  出版社:上海教育出版社  作者:《牛津英语教学参考》编写组 编  页数:127  


  Students must be prepared before they read, soeach chapter of the Teachers Book containssuggestions on how the Reading section may beinitially presented to the students before theymove on to the pre-reading exercises in theStudents Book.  The aim of the exercise What do you knowabout ...? is to discover and activate anybackground knowledge of the topic that theclass may already have. If the exercise revealsthat they do not have this knowledge, or thatthere are gaps in it, the teacher can fill these inwith information provided in the Teachers Book.It is important, however, that the students first begiven the chance to show what they know.



    牛津英语教学参考:9年级(第1学期)(附光盘2张) PDF格式下载

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