
出版时间:2006-6  出版社:上海外语教育出版社  作者:黎宏  页数:43  字数:88000  


  《大学英语》是遵照1986年国家教委审定的《大学英语教学大纲(文理科本科用)》编写的一套系列教材,分精读、泛读、听说、快速阅读和语法与练习五种教程,由全国六所重点大学合作编写。教材于工986年出版试用本,1992年出版正式本,并于同年9月荣获全国高等学校第二届优秀教材特等奖,以及国家教委高等学校第二届优秀教材一等奖。  1998年,在广泛征求意见的基础上,《大学英语》系列教材根据《大学英语教学大纲(高等学校本科用)》进行了第一次修订。修订本更加注意文、理、工、农、医等各科的通用性,力求给学生打好“宽、厚、牢”的语言基础。  为了推进大学英语教学改革,适应社会各界对大学生英语能力的要求,教育部于2004年颁布了《大学英语课程教学要求(试行)》(以下简称《课程要求》)。遵照《课程要求》对大学英语提出的教学目标,即“培养学生的英语综合应用能力”,编者于2004年决定对教材进行第二次修订,以满足新时期国家和社会对人才培养的需要。  本次修订原则:  1.教材的定位不变。《大学英语》是综合教育型(Englishforintegrativepurposes)而非特殊目的型(EnglishforspecifiCpur.poses)的教材,旨在帮助大学本科各专业学生进一步打下扎实的语言基础。  2.选材原则不变。正因为《大学英语》是综合教育型的,选材必须做到题材广泛,体裁多样,语言规范,有利于打好语言基础.选材遵循三性原则,即趣味性、知识性、可思性,以激发学生学习英语的兴趣。  3.在更新课文时注意经典性与时代性的融合,科普性与文学性的融合,使选文内容经得起时间考验,文字经得起反复咀嚼。这两个融合是教材可教性与可学性的保证,也是教材生命力之所在。  4.本次修订按照《课程要求》所提出的培养“英语综合应用能力”这一目标,着重考虑增强听与说的训练,提高听与说尤其是说的要求。本次修订重点:精读:1.更新部分课文。选用一些时代感更强、更贴近现代生活、语言更地道的文章取代部分相形见绌的课文。  2.梳理全教程的练习。除了设置新的听、说练习外,还针对近年来学生在口、笔试中经常出现的语言错误设计了用法方面的练习,以提高学生在使用英语时的准确性。


《大学英语》系列教材(第三版)快速阅读教程依据教育部2004年颁布的《大学英语课程教学要求(试行)》,并结合目前我国大学英语的实际情况编写。本教程旨在培养学生正确的阅读习惯和有效的阅读方法,提高学生浏览、阅读和查读的能力。     本教程取材于近年来英美和其他英语国家出版的书籍和报刊杂志,內容涵盖了当前社会经济、文化、科技、政治、教育等方面,使本教程具有时代性、趣味性、知识性和广泛性等特点。


1.An Unwise Refusal2.Discovery3.Academy Awards -- The Oscars4.The Potato -- A Power Pack5.Life or Death6.Is Global Warming Harmful to Health?7.A Precious Moment8.Da Vinci -- Scientist, Inventor, Artist9.The Renaissance10.What Is Fashion?11.An Online Library12.Distance Learning13.Can You Fell the Music14.How to Panic More Efficiently at Crunch Time15.The Return of Spring16.The Nobel Peace Prize17.Rap18.Jack's Gift19.Media Liferacy20.How an Ad WorksANSWER KEYS


  A lady in a faded gingham(方格花布)dress and her husband. dressed in ahomespun suit,stepped off the train inBoston,and walked timidly without anappointment into the president ofHarvard’S outer office. The secretarycould tell in a moment that such countryhicks(乡下人)had no business at Harvardand probably didn't even deserve to be in Cambridge.  “we want to see the president.”theman said softly.  “He’llbe busy all day.”the secretarysnapped.  “We’11 wait,”the lady replied.  For hours, the secretary ignoredthem,hoping that the couple would final.1y become discouraged and go away.  They didn’t. The secretary grewfrustrated and finally decided to disturbthe president,even though it was a chore(琐事)she always regretted to do.“Maybeif theyjust see you for a few minutes,they’11 leave,”she told him.  He sighed in great anger and nod.ded.Someone of his importance obvious.1y didn't have the time to spend withthem,but he hated gingham dresses andhomespun suits cluttering up his outer of.fice.The president.stern.faced with dig.nity,strutted(架子十足地走)toward thecouple.The lady told him,“we had ason that attended Harvard for one year.He loved Harvard.He was happy here.But about a year ago.he was accidentallykilled.And my husband and 1 would liketo erect a memorial(纪念碑)to him,some.where on campus.”  The president wasn’t touched.“Madam,”he said gruffly(粗声地).“we can”tput up a statue for every person who at.tended Harvard and died.If we did,thisplace would look like a cemetery(墓地)”.“Oh,no,”the lady explained quickly.“we don’t want to erect a statue.wethought we would 1ike to give a buildingto Harvard.”The president rolled hiseyes.He glanced at the gingham dressand homespun suit,and then exclaimed,“A building!Do you have any earthlyidea how much a building costs?We haveover seven and a half million dollars inthe physical plant at Harvard.”For a mo.ment,the lady was silent.The presidentwas pleased.He could get rid of themnow.And the lady turned to her husbandand said quietly,“Is that all it costs tostart a university?Why don't we juststart our own?”Her husband nodded.  ……



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