
出版时间:2008-9-1  出版社:上海外语教育出版社  作者:麦克唐纳(McDonald, R.)  页数:140  字数:187000  






作者:(英国)麦克唐纳 (McDonald R.) 合著者:王岚


AcknowledgementsNote on editionsIntroductionChapter 1 Beckett's lifeChapter 2 Cultural and intellectual contextsChapter 3 Plays  Waiting for Godot  Endgame  Radio plays: All That Fall and Embers  Krapp's Last Tape  Happy DaysChapter 4 Prose works  More Pricks than Kicks  Murphy  Watt  The Trilogy: Molloy, Malone Dies, The Unnamable  How It IsChapter 5 Beckett criticismNotesGuide to further readingIndex


Samuel Beckett was a reluctant biographical subject. Though friends and acquaintances recollect a kind and generous man, he guarded his privacy with intense vigilance, seldom granting interviews and always claiming that his work should speak for itself. However, when his authorised biographer,James Knowlson, pointed out the recurrences of images from the Ireland of his childhood in his writing, he agreed. "They're obsessional," he said, and went on to add several othersfl In early prose works, like More Pricks than Kicks (1934) or Murphy (1938), the correspondences of character and event with Beckett's own life are very explicitf In his post-Second World War work,the biographical allusions become more submerged and less readily identifiable, just as the settings become more detached from a recognisable reality.Yet Beckett's imagination is saturated in his life experiences, even if the directreferences to these experiences become rarer. Indeed, examination of the various drafts of Beckett's drama demonstrates what one critic has called the 'intent of undoing': the connections to a recognisable, and biographical, world become more attenuated as the drafts proceed.3 The events in Beckett's life leave their traces in the shape of his work, without necessarily leaving an inventory in its content.




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