
出版时间:2011-12  出版社:上海外语教育出版社  作者:邵锦娣,白劲鹏 编著  页数:626  




CHAPTER1 Introduction1 The Forms ofLiterature2 What Do We Read for in Western Literature?CHAPTER2 Fiction (1) The Novel3 What Is the Novel?3.1 By Etyniology3.2 By Distinction3.3 By Analysis and Synthesis4 Kinds of the Novel4.1 By Length4.2 By Subject Matter4.3 By Technique5 Early Development ofthe Novel6 Elements ofthe Novel6.1 Story6. 2 Character6. 3 Plot6. 4 Theme6.5 Setting6. 6 Narrative Point of View7 Criticism of a NovelF.Scott Fitzgerald The Great GatsbyCHAPTER3 Fiction (2) The Short Story8 What Is a Sbort Story?8. 1 Ancient Forms8.2 In the Modern Sense8. 3 A Distinct Genre9 Learning to Read a Story Petronius The Widow ofEphesus10 A Second Short Story for Study Anton Chekhov Misery11 Learning to RespondW. Somerset Maugharn The Treasure12 Elements ofthe Short Story12.1 Setting12.2 Atmosphere12. 3 Plot12. 4 Character12. 5 Theme13 Tecluuque13.1 Point ofView 13.2 Symbolism13.3 Imagery13.4 Stvle13.5 Tone13.6 Irony14 Understanding Fiction Through Context of Situation-Linguistic and Non-LinguisticStories That Illustrate the Use of Dramatic Point of ViewErnest Hemingway Hills Like White ElephantsRaymond Carver Popular MechanicsD.H.Lawrence The Shadow in the Rose GardenKatherine Anne Porter RopeErnest Henungway The Short Happy Llfe of Franas MacomberKatherine Anne Porter The Jilting of Gran,ny Weatherall15 A Collection of Short FictionLuigi Pirandello WarKatherine Mansfield Miss BrillKate Chopin Ripe FigsThe Story of an HourThe StormAnton Chekhov Enemies……CHAPTER4 PoetryCHAPTER 5 DramaCHAPTER 6 FilmCHAPTER7 WritingSuggested Readings for Chapter 7Appendix: Web Sites


版权页:My fam/ly have been prominent, well-to-do people in this Middle Western city for three generations.  The Carra ways are something of a clan, and we have a tradition that we're descended from the Dukes of Buccleuch, but the actual founder of my line wasmy grandfather's brother, who came here in fifty-one, sent a substitute to the Civil War, and started the wholesale hardware business that my father cames on to-day..I never saw this great-uncle, but I'm supposed to look like him with specialreference to the rather hard-boiled painting that hangs in father's office.  I graduated from New Haven in 1915, just a quarter of a century after my father, and a little later Iparticipated in that delayed Teutonic migration known as the Great War. I enjoyed the counterraid so thoroughly that I came back resdess. Instead of being the warm center of the world, the Middle West now seemed like the ragged edge of the universe - so Idecided to go East and learn the bond business.






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