
出版时间:2011-7  出版社:上海外语教育出版社  作者:李玉璞 主编  页数:140  




Lesson One Resoutces an Energy
Lesson Two Crime and punishment
Lesson Three Computers and the Internet
Lesson Four Finance
Lesson Five Places to See
Lesson Six Education
Lesson Seven Business
Lesson Eight Aspects of life
Lesson Nine College life
Lesson Ten Women
Lesson Eleven Famous people
Lesson Tweive Culture
Lesson Thirteen Science and Technology
Lesson Foutrenn Sports
Lesson Fifteen Reform and Development


  As society advances, many kinds of crimes have been increasing day by day. They can takeplace in any city and penetrate every corner of society. The most common crimes directly threateningpeople are burglary and street crime. But crimes vary in different cities, and in different countries. Insome big cities of America, street crime is a constant threat to society, while in our country, burglaryis usually a big problem. These kinds of crimes and the fear they cause are changing the fabric ofsociety and forcing its citizens to change their traditional patterns. In some cities of America, no onedares to leave home at night; no one feels secure even in his or her own neighborhood. And in manycities of our country, even those who live on the 6th floor have to make their home a "bird cage" withbarred windows around it. Under such circumstances, what can we do to make our cities cleaner andsafer? What can we do to help the young to stay away from crime? To solve these problems, greaterefforts must be made by the government and all citizens.   ……



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