
出版时间:2012-7  出版社:上海外语教育出版社  作者:阮周林  页数:354  字数:349000  




Chapter 1  Introduction
1.1 Introduction
1.2 The Chinese ELT context
1.3 Aims and significance of the study
1.4 0rganisation of the thesis
Chapter 2 Literature Review
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Autonomy in language learning
2.3 Metacognition
2.4 Research on writing and writing itruction
2.5 Summary of the literature review
Chapter 3 Research Design
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Research approaches to language leaming in dassrooms
3.3 Itrument design
3.4 Pedagogical design of the writing coue
3.5 Data collection
3.6 Data analysis
3.7 Summary
Chapter 4 Knowledge and Beliefs about Self-regulated Language
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Descriptive results of the questionnaire survey
4.3 Relatiohips between the subcategories of the peonvariable
4.4 Attributional facto in learning success
4.5 Inter-group differences in peon, task and strategic
4.6 Summary of the chapter
Chapter 5 Peon Knowledge
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Pre-coue peon knowledge about writing
5.3 Post-coue peon knowledge about writing
5.4 Key themes of pre- and post-coue peon knowledge
5.5 Developing trend of peon knowledge: triangulation of the
5.6 Participants' questionnaire results of the peon variable in
language learning
5.7 Summary of the chapter
Chapter 6 Task Knowledge and Strategic Knowledge
6.1 Introduction
6.2 Pre-coue task knowledge about writing
6.3 Post-coue task knowledge about writing
6.4 Key themes of pre- and post-coue task knowledge
6.5 Developing trend of task knowledge: triangulation of the
6.6 Pre-coue strategic knowledge
6.7 Post-coue strategic knowledge
6.8 Key themes of pre- and post-coue strategic knowledge
6.9 Developing trend of strategic knowledge: triangulation of
the diaries
6.10 Participants' questionnaire results of task and strategic
variables in language learning
6.11 Effects of the writing coue on participants' writing
6.12 Summary of the chapter
Chapter 7 Case Studies
7.1 Introduction
7.2 Xue
7.3 Cheng
7.4 Zhang
7.5 Fang
7.6 Summary of the chapter
Chapter 8 Overall Discussion and Conclusio
8.1 Introduction
8.2 Revisiting the research goals
8.3 Summary of the research findings and discussion
8.4 The issue of sustainability
8.5 Theoretical model of metacognitive knowledge in language
8.6 Pedagogical principles of self-regulation in L2 writing
8.7 Evaluation of the research
8.8 Final conclusio and recommendatio for future research


  Questionnaires are also a popular research tool for studying larningstrategies of L2 learners and self-regulation. The following studies are ofparticular relevance to the questionnaire design ofthe present study.Oxford(1990) designed a survey instrument called "Strategies in Language Learning"(SILL), which has a wide currency in the investigation oflanguage learners'learning strategies, particularly about the use ofcognitive and metacognitivestrategies. Rubin and Thompson (1994) developed a questionnairespecifically concerned with language learners' executive control over theirlearning. The function of executive control mainly includes the use ofmetacognitive or self-regulated strategies, such as planning, monitoring, and evaluation. Wen and Johnson (1997) combined the survey techniques within-depth interviewing to establish the impact ofa number oflearner variableson Chinese tertiary level students' achievement on a language course. Thestudy found that self-management strategies, such as planning, evaluation,and affective control, had an important part to play in separating successful and unsuccessful language learners.  These studies have shown that the questionnaire instrument isan effective, efficient research tool for identifying patterns oflanguagelearners' knowledge and beliefs about language learning, and theirstrategy use. Moreover, the questionnaire data can provide usefulinformation about the relationship between learner beliefs and othervariables oflanguage learning, such as self-regulation/autonomy, learningachievements, and learners' cultural backgrounds. The adoption ofthe questionnaire instrument in this study has been informed by theseprevious studies.  ……





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