
出版时间:2011-1  出版社:广西师大  作者:李蔓//曾少警|主编:梁再农//陈仲芳  页数:178  字数:405000  




Unit 1 Where's your pen pal from? ☆单元图解  ☆学习导航  Section A   Section B  Self Check  ☆语法解读与归纳  ☆写作辅导  ☆Unit 1综合能力检测Untt 2 Where's-the post,office ☆单元图解  ☆学习导航  Section A   Section B  Self Check  ☆语法解读与归纳  ☆写作辅导  ☆Unit 2综合能力检测Unit 3 Why do you like koalas? ☆单元图解  ☆学习导航  Section A   Section B  Self Check  ☆语法解读与归纳  ☆写作辅导  ☆Unit 3综合能力检测Unit 4 I want to be an actor. ☆单元图解  ☆学习导航  Section A   Section B  Self Check  ☆语法解读与归纳  ☆写作辅导  ☆Unit 4综合能力检测Unit 5 I'm watchIng TV. ☆单元图解  ☆学习导航  Section A   Section B  Self Check  ☆语法解读与归纳  ☆写作辅导  ☆Unit 5综合能力检测Unit 6 It's raining! ☆单元图解  ☆学习导航  Section A   Section B  Self Check  ☆语法解读与归纳  ☆写作辅导  ☆Unit 6综合能力检测Unit 7 What does he look like? ☆单元图解  ☆学习导航  Section A   Section B  Self Check  ☆语法解读与归纳  ☆写作辅导  ☆Unit 7综合能力检测Unit 8 I'd like some noodles. ☆单元图解  ☆学习导航  Section A   Section B  Self Check  ☆语法解读与归纳  ☆写作辅导  ☆Unit 8综合能力检测Unit 9 How was your weekend? ☆单元图解  ☆学习导航  Section A   Section B  Self Check  ☆语法解读与归纳  ☆写作辅导  ☆Unit 9综合能力检测Unit 10 Where did you go on vacatlon? ☆单元图解  ☆学习导航  Section A   Section B  Self Check  ☆语法解读与归纳  ☆写作辅导  ☆Unit 10综合能力检测Unit 11 What do you think of game shows? ☆单元图解  ☆学习导航  Section A   Section B  Self Check  ☆语法解读与归纳  ☆写作辅导  ☆Unit 11综合能力检测Unit 12 Don't eat in class. ☆单元图解  ☆学习导航  Section A   Section B  Self Check  ☆语法解读与归纳  ☆写作辅导  ☆Unit 12综合能力检测参考答案 


  Australia is the greatest island in the world. It is alittle smaller than China. It is in the south of theearth. SO when there is hot summer in our country, itis cold winter in Australia. Australia is big, but thepopulation (人口 )there is thin. The population ofAustralia is the same as that of Shanghai, a city inChina. Australia is famous for its sheep andkangaroos. After a short drive from any town, youwill find yourself in the middle of white sheep, sheep,everywhere are sheep. Have you seen a kangaroo? Ithas a "bag" in its body. The mother kangaroo keeps itsbaby kangaroo in the "bag". It is very interesting,isnt it?


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