
出版时间:2003-08  出版社:外语教研出版社  作者:王佐良  页数:523  字数:310000  




Introduction   1.Uses of the Subject  2.Two Major Elements in European CultureDIVISION ONE GREEK CULTURE AND ROMAN CULTURE  1.Greek Culture        2.Roman CultureDIVISION TWO THE BIBLE AND CHRISTIANITY   1.General Introduction   2.The Old Testament  3.Rise of Christianity  4.The New Testament   5.Translations of the BibleDIVISION THREE THE MIEELE AGES  1.General Introduction   2.Manor and Church   3.Learning and Science  4.Literature  5.Art and ArchitectureDIVISION FOUR RENAISSANCE AND REFORMATIONDIVISION FIVE THE SEVENTEENTH CENTURYDIVISION SIX THE AGE OF ENLIGHTENMENTDIVISION SEVEN ROMANTICISMDIVISION EIGHT MARXISM AND DARWINISMDIVISION NINE REALISM DIVISION TEN MODERNISM AND OTHER TRENDS参考书目欧洲与中国:大事对照简表


  2. Social and Political Structure  Athens was a democracy. Democracy means "exercise of power by the whole people", but by "the whole people" the Greeks meant only the adult male citizens, and citizenship was aset of rights which man inherited from his father. Women, children, foreigners and  slaves were excluded. They had no rights.  The economy of Athens rested on an immense amount of slavelabour. Slaves worked on farms and in workshops and mines owned by their masters. There was harsh exploitation in Greek society.  The Greeks loved sports. Once every four years, they had a big festival on Olympus Mount which included contests of sports. Thus began the Olympic Games. Revived in 1896, the Games have become the worlds foremost amateur sports competition.  3. Homer  Ancient Greeks considered Homer to be the author of their epics. He probably lived around 700 B.C. Two such epics, the Iliad and the Odyssey, have survived. They are not about events of  Homers own time, but about great men and wars of a remoter age, probably in the period 1200——1100 B.C.  The Iliad deals with the alliance of the states of the southern mainland of Greece, led by Agamemnon in their war against the city of Troy. The heroes are Hector on the Trojan side and Achilles and Odysseus on the Greek. In the final battle, Hector was killed by Achilles and Troy was sacked and burned by the Greeks.




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