
出版时间:1990-8-1  出版社:外语教学与研究出版社  作者:吴伟仁  页数:286  






RART IV.THE LITERATURE OF REALISMHistorical IntroductionWALT WHITMANBiographical Introduction Song of Myself I Sit and Look Out Beat! Beat! Drums!EMILY DICKINSONBiographical IntroductionI taste a liquor never brewedI felt a Funeral,in my BrainA Bird came down the Walk-I died for Beauty-tut was scarceI heard a Fly buzz-when I diedHARRIET BEECHER STOWEMARK TWAINHENRY JAMESJACK LONDONTHEODORE DREISERPART V.TWENTIETH-CENTURY LITERATUREEZRA POUNDEDWIN ARLINGTON ROBINSONROBERT FROSTCARL SANDBURGWALLACE STEVENS ……


  But stronger than all was maternal love, wrought into a paroxysm of frenzy by the near approach of a fearful danger. Her boy was old enough to have walked by her side, and in an indifferent case she would only have led him by the hand; but now the bare thought of putting him out of her arms made her shudder, and she strained him to her bosom with a convulsive grasp as she went rapidly forward. The frosty ground creaked beneath her feet, and she trembled at the sound: every quaking leaf and fluttering shadow sent the blood backward to her heart, and quickened her footsteps. She wondered within herself at the strength that seemed to be come upon her, for she felt the weight of her boy as if it had been a feather, and every flutter of fear seemed to increase the supernatural strength that bore her on. while from her pale lips burst forth, in frequent ejaculations, the prayer to a Friend above—"Lord, help! Lord, save me! "  If it were your Harry, mother, or your Willie, that were going to be torn from you by a brutal trader, to-morrow morning—if you had seen the man. and heard that the papers were signed and delivered, and you had only from twelve o'clock till morning to make good your escape, how fast could you walk? How many miles could you make in those few brief hours, with the darling at your bosom-the little sleepy head on your shoulder—the small, soft arms trustingly holding on to your neck?  For the child slept; at first the novelty and alarm kept him waking; but his mother so hurriedly repressed every breath or sound, and so assured him that if he were only still, she would certainly save him, that he clung quietly round her neck, only asking, as he found himself sinking to sleep—  "Mother, I don't need to keep awake, do I?"  "No, my darling; sleep if you want to."  "But mother, if I do get asleep. You won't let him get me?"  "No! So may God help me!" said his mother, with a paler cheek and a brighter light in her large dark eyes.  "You're sure, ain't you, mother?"  "Yes, sure ! " said the mother, in a voice that startled herself, for it seemed to her to come from a spirit within, that was no part of her; and the boy dropped his little weary head on her shoulder, and was soon asleep. How the touch of those warm arms. the gentle breathings that came in her neck, seemed to add fire and spirit to her movements. It seemed to her as if strength poured into her in electric streams, from every gentle touch and movement of her sleeping, confiding child. Sublime is the dominion of the mind over the body, that for a time can make flesh and nerve impregnable, and string the sinews, like steel, so that the weak become so mighty!  The boundaries of the farm, the grove, the wood-lot, passed by her dizzily, as she passed on, and still she walked, leaving one familiar object after another, slacking not, pausing not, till reddening daylight found her many a long mile from all traces of any familiar objects upon the open highway.  She had often been with her mistress, to visit some connections in the little village of T—, not far from the Ohio river, and knew the road well. To go thither, to escape across the Ohio river, were the first hurried outlines of her plan of escape-beyond which she could only hope in God.  When horses and vehicles began to move along the highway, with that keen and alert perception peculiar to a state of excitement, and which seems to be a sort of inspiration, she became aware that her headlong pace and distracted air might bring on her remark and suspicion. She therefore put the boy on the ground, and, adjusting her dress and bonnet, she walked on at as rapid a pace as she thought consistent with the preservation of appearances. In her little bundle she had provided a store of cakes and apples, which she used as expedients for quickening the speed of the child, rolling the apple some yards before them, when the boy would run with all his might after it; and this ruse, often repeated, carried them over many a half mile.  After a while they came to a thick patch of woodland, through which murmured a clear brook. As the child complained of hunger and thirst, she climbed over the fence with him; and sitting down behind a large rock which concealed them from the road, she gave him a breakfast out of her little package. The boy wondered and grieved that she could not eat, and when, putting his arms round her neck, he tried to wedge some of his cake into her mouth, it seemed to her that the rising in her throat would choke her.  "No, no, Harry, darling, mother can't eat till you are safe. We must go on—on—till we come to the river." And she hurrid again into the road, and again constrained herself to walk regularly and composedly forward.  She was many miles past any neighborhood where she was personally known. If she should chance to meet any who knew her, she reflected that the well-known kindness of the family would be of itself a blind to suspicion, as making it an unlikely supposition that she could be a fugitive. As she was also so white as not to be known as of colored lineage, without a critical survey, and her child was white also, it was much easier for her to pass on unsuspected.  On this presumption, she stopped at noon at a neat farm house,to rest herself, and buy some dinner for her child and self—for as the danger decreased with the distance, the supernatural tension of the nervous system lessened, and she found herself both weary and hungry.  ……






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