
出版时间:1998-4  出版社:顾曰国 外语教学与研究出版社 (2001-11出版)  作者:顾曰国 编  


  Help Yourself to a BA Course is a series specially designed for those self-study learners who want to upgrade their English from intermediate to advanced levels.It is thematically structured and five skill integrated on activity/task basis.


顾曰国,英国兰开斯特大学语言学系优等硕士、博士,师从Geoffrey Leech院士,现任中国社会科学院语言研究所研究员,当代语言学研究室主任,博士生导师,北京外国语大学校长助理兼应用英语学院院长。主要研究兴趣包括语用学、话语分析,修辞学和语言哲学。在国际学术刊物上已发表论文17篇,国内学术刊物上发表论文13篇,合编著作1部。现任学术职务有《当代语言学》主编之一,国际《语用学》杂志咨询编审和专号主编,国际《篇章学》杂志专号主编之一。先后荣获英国学术院王宽城基金会院士、霍英东教育基金会科研一等奖、北京市哲学社会科学优秀论文一等奖,“国氏”博士后奖、国家优秀回国留学生等荣誉。


Unit致谢How to Study This CourseNe'er So Well ExpressedThe Heart of the MatterA Man for All SeasonsWhere the Place?A Sea of TroublesIn My Mind's EyeAnd Then?A Mirror of Society and Social ChangeAppendix: The Stage as a MirrorGlossary


插图:The following points delineate some of the guidelines that we adopt for this course:1. We are going to read a selection of texts of different genre from the literary canon in the English language.2. We approach a text by first paying attention to the use of language and language structure, which should lead to a better understanding of its meanings and styles.3. We focus on how language is used to bring out (levels of) meanings.4. We need to understand that expression of meaning in literary texts is special.5. We need to learn to understand and 'feel' the language in literature.6. We aim at learning language skills, but we try to make both language learningand literature reading a rewarding experience. Finally, you are invited to share the teachers' (presumably as well as anyone else's) enthusiasm for a good piece of literature. Apart from your attention to their language points and literary analysis, you should also have a genuine interest in literature in order to learn better. Whether you agree to this or not, we as teachers believe that an interest in literature is caught, not taught. So you are encouraged to read more than this course book, and read as much as you can. It is for this purpose a reading companion is prepared. We look forward to the moment when students discover for themselves the wonders in what is “ne'er so well expressed”. And let us know if you have made such a discovery.





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用户评论 (总计8条)


  •   购买了两本学习教程(另一本是跨文化交际),都出现了多处的印刷错误,缺行很多,跟售后联系态度不好,令人失望。以后不会再在卓越网上买书了。
  •   还可以,正版推荐!呵呵
  •   全5分哦!很棒呢!好
  •   书是正品,但是比较便宜。
  •   帮别人买得,我不知道怎么样,但是卓越的书还是可以的,至少价格优惠
  •   在卓越购物很多次,这是最不满意的第一次。元旦之前就下了订单,一共两本书,结果到了6号才给我发了一本,足足在路上走了十多天……好不容易盼到了,打开一看,书都已经被弄得不像样子了,就差从书脊处横着断了……
  •   失望至极!没见过这样学文学的!选这样的教材真是浪费时间
  •   非常喜欢,质量很好!

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