
出版时间:2000-10  出版社:外研社  作者:William H.Roberts,Gregoire Turgeon  页数:441  


From technobabble to weasel words ,from language acquisition to language extinction, this collection of provocative selections explores language issues of current and enduring interest. Essays, poems, advertisements. and speeches provide a rich variety of genres and topics, all chosen to help students appreciate the power of language and become more confident.skilled writers.     New to the Fifth Edition.     New chapter on Technology and Langguage includes Nathan Cobb on gender wars in cyberspace and Ellen Ullman on her belief that computers have edistorted our opportunities for human relationships. Twenty-seven of the fifty-three readings are new to this edition, including essays by David Frum, Geneva Smithernan, Neil Postman, Rose Del Castilo Guilbault, and Ellen Goodman. New appendix on Writing and Documenting Sources provides students with a useful and handy reference.


王宗炎序导读IntroductionChapter One  Names and NamingChapter Two  Gender,Race,and Language ConflictChapter Therr  Right Words,Wrong Words,My WordsChapter Four  Language Development:Personal and SocialChapter Five  Language and Cultural DiversityChapter Six  The Language of Politics and AdvertisingChapter Seven  Technology and LanguageChapter Eight  Writers and the Writing ProcessAppendix  Writing and Documenting:A Brief GuideGlossary of Rhetorical and Linguistic TermsCreditsIndex文库索引




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  •   内容很全面,对学习语言学的人来说很有帮助。
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  •   考研用书,纸不错
  •   这本书的内容编写很不错,很适合扩展阅读。
  •   书质量很好。。。只是没想到。。。这个大的个头。。。我原来以为是小本书来着。。。
  •   帮同学买的、考研用的、木有问题、
  •   考研用书,很好,质量不错
  •   必须要说一下,这本书很不错,我很多考研的同学买了,好像都是学校指定的,不过,为嘛我的书的包装膜破了,而且上面有些不太干净的痕迹嘞,希望下次注意点吧,大家都很期待接到快递的那一刻,希望不要会因为这些小污点影响了当当的大名声
  •   字太小,太稠,不过编排还不错

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