
出版时间:2000-11  出版社:外语教学与研究出版社  作者:陈亚平  页数:216  字数:134000  


本习题集是为全国高等教育自学考试指导委员会统一组织编写的教材《综合英语一》编写的辅导学习材料,是严格按照《综合英语一》的教学大纲精心编写而成的。本书的目的不是帮助考生如何应付考试或如何撞大运过关,因为本书中没有一条是应试技术或投机取巧的“忠告”;全书都是关于如何加深对《综合英语一》上下册的理解,巩固所学知识,弥补由于一时疏忽所造成的知识漏洞,从根本上培养考生运用英语的能力。当然,本书最终还是能达到帮助考生通过考试的目的,但是这个“通过”是货真价实的通过,是含金量高的“通过”,不是“混混儿”。     《综合英语一》这门课是成绩测试,不是水平测试。成绩测试就是学什么就考什么,严格按照教学大纲去命题。大纲规定。统一考试的试题中教材内容要占70%,这就意味着不学教材,不把课本学懂学透,就根本没有通过考试的希望。这一规定使那些靠应试技术吃饭的人乖乖地回到教材上来,老老实实学英语。    我们说这本习题集不是作为应试用的,是因为没有学完《综合英语一》上下册的人,无法使用这本练习;同时还因为,光靠做这15套练习题是学不好英语的。我们愿意告诉考生:不要用习题代替课本,不要用做练习代替课堂学习。我们还愿意告诉考生:如果你学完《综合英语一》上下册,在规定时间内做完一套本书中的练习题,自己计长一下才得30分或40分左右,那么你就不要再去做其他习题了,再把上下册学习一遍会更有好处。    全书共15套练习题,后面附有参考答案。编写时,我们尽可能地把大纲规定的学生应掌握的词汇、句型、语法现象和刘本内容有机地揉到习题中去,对一些较难或不易被考生掌握的知识,我们都反复地用不同形式把它们体现在习题中,帮助学生学懂、学透。


Practice Test 1Practice Test 2Practice Test 3Practice Test 4Practice Test 5Practice Test 6Practice Test 7Practice Test 8Practice Test 9Practice Test 10Practice Test 11Practice Test 12Practice Test 13Practice Test 14Practice Test 15Key to Practice Tests


Visitors to Britain often hear about such national newspapers asthe Daily Mirror and the Daily Express, which sell altogether aboutfour million copies every day. British families generally buy anewspaper every morning and often take two or three on Sundays.People from abroad seldom realize, however, that there is anotherbranch of the British press which also sells well. Local newspapershave a weekly circulation of 13 million. Almost every town andcountry area has one. Nearly all of them hold their own financially andmany of them are very profitable.These papers are written almost entirely for readers interested inlocal events——births, weddings, deaths, council meetings and sports.Editors prefer to rely on a small staff of people who know all thedistrict well. A great deal of local news is regularly supplied by clubsand churches in the neighborhood and it does not get out of date asquickly as national news.Local newspapers do not often comment on problems of nationalimportance and editors do not usually take sides on political questions.But they can often be of service to the community in expressing publicfeelings on local issues. A newspaper can sometimes persuade thecouncil to take action to provide better shopping facilities, improvetransport in the area and preserve local places of interest.






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