
出版时间:2002-8-1  出版社:外语教研  作者:何江胜  页数:252  


  近年来外语教学界改革的步伐在加快,传统的外语教学模式和教材越来越受到来自各方面的挑战,大学非英语专业的外语教材应该是什么样的一种模式,是一个有争议的问题。我们认为,非英语专业研究生英语的教与学,无疑是一个高起点、高要求的活动。随着社会对科技人才在外语能力上要求的提高,进入研究生阶段的英语学习者须在一个新的起点上学好英语知识,提高英语实际运用能力。面对新世纪世界文化多元化、全球经济一体化进程的加快,研究生们更应注重凭借英语这一极为有用的工具去开拓知识视野,培养全球意识(global awareness),参与国际交流,提高竞争乃至“对抗”能力。在这样的指导思想下,本书的编者力求作一些探索,探索实用型的教学内容和教材在外语教学中的路子及应用。  《研究生实用英语教程》是一本精泛合而为一的英语教材。本教程力求在外语教学内容和教材上作一些探索,以适应英语学习者、社会及用人单位对人才外语素质的需求,适应社会的需求。  本教程的选材考虑时代性、科学性及趣味性,注意语言规范、地道,信息量大。每册有十个单元,每个单元涉及一个T0pic Reading,每个Topic含数个Extracts,还配有与课文内容有关的阅读材料及练习。单元的阅读量大,学生可更多地接触语言材料,提高语言能力,增强文化知识。练习题量适度,有的放矢。词汇和问答题紧扣课文内容,学生可通过做题加深对课文的理解,在课文的细读中学会用词。翻译和写作题也与单元话题有关,通过做题训练学生对规定话题的书面表达能力。  所有练习皆属主观题型,其中包括写作练习和翻译,目的在于培养学生实际应用语言的能力。  本教程分上下两册。由南京理工大学外语系井升华教授担任总主编,负责全书策划、确定选材内容和体例及书稿的最后审定。上册由南京航空航天大学外语系何江胜教授主编,下册由河海大学外语系袁晓宁教授主编。该套书题材新颖,内容丰富,有超前意识,将信息的获取与语言知识的学习集于一身,是一部较有特色的英语教材。  上册有以下特点:选材广泛,语言地道、规范。教材中的文章均选自英美作家的语库,属“原汁原味”的佳品,有利于学生在真实的语料中学习英语,培养语感。考虑到研究生这一高层次人才培养对综合知识,尤其是对文、理、工学科相互渗透的要求,我们在本册的选材上注意了它的宽泛性。由于研究生所学专业各异,所选材料涉及的学科知识不求专深,只求综合并且贴近社会和大学生生活。文化知识性强。本教材涉及文化、教育、法律、科学、体育、娱乐、管理、旅游等方面的内容,具有丰富的文化知识性。学生通过课文语言的学习,能增加对英语为母语国家的习俗、行为方式、社会制度、法律、价值观念、艺术等文化知识的了解。只有这样才能有效地培养学生的交际能力,因为对通过大学阶段英语学习且掌握有一定量的语言知识的研究生来说,他们交际能力的提高在很大程度上取决于对文化这一语言所承载内容的熟悉程度。  参加编写上册的还有关晓仙、荆华两位老师,他们为部分单元撰写注释和编写练习。编写教材是一项综合性工程,尽管编者尽心尽力,一丝不苟,但疏漏之处在所难免,欢迎同行和读者批评指正。




Unit One Culture 
Unit Two Education
Unit Three Science
Unit Four Entertainment
Unit Five Management
Unit Six Marketing
Unit Seven Sports
Unit Eight Tourism
Unit Nine Legal System
Unit Ten Scientific Writing
Key to the Exercise


  In the United States and many countries of the world we have mass education and can build on a large base of students for the making of new scientists. Undoubtedly many potential scientists are lost after their high school education, but probably of those who go through college a large fraction who have outstanding ability in science are recognized and encouraged to take up graduate work and thus have an opportunity with financial support to undertake creative work.  We are fortunate in having two different kinds of scientists. Among them are the basic scientists who have curiosity as their impelling motive, who report their findings and do not bother to follow the long road toward useful applications of their discoveries. When a research is carried as far as they desire, they return to their laboratories and work on other pioneering problems in which they are interested, and again they feed their results into the worlds pool of scientific knowledge. Such scientists predominate in academic laboratories.  Another type of scientist, found largely in industrial laboratories, is interested in science as applied in technology. These scientists try to adapt the results of pure science to human needs and to solve specific problems in order to improve products or increase efficiencies of manufacturing. The applied scientists often work in teams which contain scientists of different backgrounds, perhaps a mathematician, a physicist, a chemist, and an engineer. Rapid advances are made through this programmatic applied research, for example, the three short years from the discovery of nuclear fission to the first nuclear chain reaction, and a second three years from the nuclear chain reaction to the nuclear explosion.  There is no fixed line between basic and applied research: practical applications often require additional basic research in order to fill gaps in available knowledge, and many good ideas for basic investigations come from applied research. Applied research feeds on basic research, but basic research and its tools are also dependent on applied research. So technology grows.



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