
出版时间:2002-1  出版社:外语教学与研究出版社  作者:(英)福斯特科恩(Foster-Cohen,S.H.) 著,李行德 导读  页数:241  


  This volume introduces the field of child language development studies,and presents hypotheses in an accessible,largely non-technical language,aiming to demonstrate the relationship between these hypotheses and interpretaions of data,lt makes the assumption that having a theory of language development is as important as having reliable data about what children say and understand,and it advocates a combinaton of both rationalistand moreempiricisttraditions,ln fact,the author overly argues that different traditions provide different pieces of the picture,and that taking any single approach is unlikely to lead to productive understanding.  Susan H.Foster-Cohen is Head of the Department of English at the University of London, The British lnstitute in paris,France.


Preface by Halliday王宗炎序Prdface by Chomsky沈家煊序导读Preface:How to use this bookAcknowledgements1  What do children bring to the language acquisition task?   Chapter summary   Introduction   Two different approaches   Competence versus performance   Some recurring questions   Some premises   Questions for discussion   An activity   Further reading2  How do children communicate before they can use language?   Chapter summary   Clues for understanding   Facial expressions   Cries,coos and grunts   Infant speech perception   Babbling   The transition to language   First words   Gestures   Language and gesture   Discussion of in-text exercises   Questions for discussion    Some activities   ……3  When does language development start?4  How do young children think languageworks?5  What in fluences language development?6  Do all children learn language the same way?7  Does it matter which languange(s) you learn?8  When does language development stop?Appendix 1 Tools for studying childern's languageAppendix 2 Phonetic symbols		




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  •   不错的书,而且是李行德导读的
  •   不可多得的儿童语言发展的书,适合心理语言学和认知科学的研究者阅读。
  •   非常有趣的内容!

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