
出版时间:2004-1  出版社:外语教学与研究出版社  作者:杨斯  页数:222  


  “阳光英语”系列丛书即是以青少年的眼光和见解来看待青少年成长路上遇到的种种困扰。其释疑解惑不是长辈的说教,而是同龄人对问题的见解。这是这套丛书跟其他面向青少年的丛书最不同的地方。  《与自己有个约定》共分为五个部分,每一部分都会有数个青少年站出来向你进述他们自己的故事,然后著者会对这些事例进行分析,告诉你如果面对同样的情况,你应该如何做,及为什么要那样做。最后还会有一个“实战演习”,让你结合自己的情况,给出你的答案。这五个部分环环相扣,循序渐进,依次让你明白:“我”是谁;“我”的目标是什么;如何制订一个合理而又可行的计划来实现“我”的目标;如何把“我”的计进分解成年计划、月计划、周计划,甚至是日计划;如何克服实现计划过程中出现的种种障碍等等。


Part 1Do You and Your Friends Talk About Your Goals?1. A Message from the Authors2. Teen Talk: "Goals" That Are (Most) Important to Me Right NowPart 2Who Are You? -- Setting Goals That Are "Totally You"3. A Message from the Authors4. Your Personality: Setting Goals That Are in Sync with Your Personality5. Your Aptitudes: What Do You Do Best? Setting Goal Around Your Strengths6. Your Hobbies: Setting Goals That Explore Your "Innate" InterestsPart 3What Do You Want to Achieve --- Today, Tomorrow and in the Future?7. A Message from the Authors8. How Do You Define Success?9. Are You Dreaming "Big Enough"?10. Are You Willing to Be in Charge of Your Life?Part 4Ready, Set, Gol Your Personal Guide to Creating Goals11. A Message from the Authors12. "The Rules" for Designing Goals (Youll Commit To)13. Nine Goals for a "Full-On" Life14. Breaking Your Goals into a Manageable To-Do List15. Breaking Your Goals into Monthly "To-Dos"16. Breaking Your Monthly Goals into Weekly "To-Dos"……Part5




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