
出版时间:2005-12  出版社:外语教学与研究出版社  作者:科恩  页数:394  


本书是一部介绍外语课堂教学中评价语言能力的理论与实践方法的应用语言学著作。作者Andrew D.Cohen 1965年大学本科毕业于哈佛大学,专修法国历史与文学;1971年在斯坦福大学获得文学硕士学位,专修语言学;1973年获得斯坦福大学国际发展教育博士学位。他的学术研究领域包括:双语与浸入式外语教育、语言评估、应用语言学研究方法、语言行为及语言学习策略。Andrew D.Cohen目前在明尼苏达大学任教。    作为一部面向外语语言教育者、高等师范院校教师以及与教师培训项目有关的工作人员的教科书,本书提供了交际法语言教学中评价与编制语言能力评价工具的基本原则与方法。书中的“测试工具”是指用来评价学生语言能力发展的各种方法,其中既包括传统意义上的听、说、读、写各项语言技能的测试方法,又包括学生自评和学习档案评价方法。而后者正是作者想要在本书中强调的,同时也正是本书不同于许多语言测试著作之处。


导读AcknowledgmentsChapter 1:IntroductionChapter 2.Key Questions In Language AssessmentChapter 3:The Assessment Instrument the Respondent,and the Assessment Process.Chapter 4:Scoring and Evaluating the Assessment InstrumentChapter S:The Process of Responding to an Assessment InstrumentChapter 6.Preparing an Assessment InstrumentChapter 7.Assessing Reading ComprehensionChapter 8:Assessing Listening and SpeakingChapter 9:Assessing Written ExpressionChapter 10:Taking StockReferencesIndex


  Discussion Questions and Activities  1. You are a college ESL instructor and have designed a mid-term test that has your students read two passages with conflictingviews on the issue of global warming. You have constructed tenshort-answer questions that require the students to relate one textto the other. Half of your items call for "higher level" synthesis ofideas——-such as through comparison and contrast——-and the otherhalf test for more "lower level" comprehension of concepts intro-duced to describe what global warming is or could be. Much toyour surprise, some of the less profident students in your class dowell on the synthesis items and poorly on identifying the mean-ings for concepts, while truly profident students do just theopposite. How would you explain this phenomenon, assumingthe items themselves are well-constructed?  2. One of the reasons it is helpful to scrutinize carefully itemson a language assessment measure is to make sure that no item Isassessing factors beyond those which the instrument is intendedto assess. Prepare to make such a case at a faculty meeting forforeign-language instructors where you work, and to explain tothem what happens to the results of assessment when items aretesting points other than those intended to be assessed.  3. What does it mean to derive distractors for multiple-choiceitems empirically? What advantages can you see in doing so?  4. As a group activity, take a multiple-choice reading compre-hension test and have the participants respond to some or all of theitems. Then divide up into small groups and have all the groupmembers take turns giving their rationale for why they chose aparticular alternative choice for each item. Be sure that all partid-pants give their rationale for not choosing the other alternatives.This exercise has the potential of being an eye-opener for allparticipants, for they must examine the way in which they dealwith multiple-choice items on a language test.






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