
出版时间:2006-5  出版社:外语教学与研究出版社  作者:王镇平 编  页数:142  


  《高级英语视听说(教师用书)(11新)》为高等院校英语专业视听说课程教材,融国内外先进教学理念为一体,具有如下特点  选取多部经典影片及电视节目为视听材料,讨论话题丰富多样。  围绕单元主题精选多篇阅读文章,拓展学生思维及视角。以学生为中心,通过富有启发性的语言活动,激发学生的学习主动性和参与课  堂活动的积极性。课前、课上和课后任务兼顾学生自主学习能力和英语应用能力的培养。  《教师用书》提供教学建议、练习答案以及体现北京外国语大学课堂教学实况的示范课视频,切实辅助教师教学。


Unit 1 The G raduateUnit 2 Kramer vs KramerUnit 3 Splendor in the GrassUnit 4 Central ParkUnit 5 Dead Poets SocietyUnit 6 PhiladelphiaUnit 7 The Shawshank RedemptionUnit 8 American BeautyProject Information InterviewUnit 9 Jungle FeverUnit 0 CasablancaUnit 11 Top Talk(An Interview with Kofi Annan)Unit12 Scenl of a WomanUnit 13 Ofie Flew over the Cuckoo’s NestUnit 14 An Oprah Winfrey ShowUnil 15 The HoursUnit 16 ChicagoAppendix Assessment of the Course


  9  HowdoesTedexplaintoBillyoneeveningthat Joanna’sleavingis hisfault,notBilly's?He tells Billy in a very gentle and sincere way that Joanna leaves because he keeps trying tomake her into a certain kind of person,to make her be the way he thinks a wife is supposedto be However,Joanna 1ust isn't like that She tries hard to be like that but shejust cannot doit When she complains,he doesn't listen because he believes if he is happy,Joanna is happy,too He tells Billy the reason why Joanna doesn't leave earlier is that she loves Billy too much,and she finally leaves because she can no longer stand him  1O  DoesthefamilyproblemaffectTed’sworkinthecompany?HowdoesMr.0'Connertreat  Tedathisdifficulttime?Yes Ted no longer has time to talk and drink with colleagues and he often comes late formeetings Mr.O'Conner finds he cannot count on Ted lOB percent and cannot have Ted workin the Office tivery late,so he decides to have someone else take the program away from Tedand kick Ted out of the team Later,when their plan doesn't work,he fires Ted  11  Why does Joanna come back to New York?Where has she been?What has she been  doing?She wants to take Billy back to her.She has been in California working and enjoying her lIre  12 HowdoesTed reactwhen JoannabringsuptheproblemofthecustodyofBilly?WhydoesTeddisagreetogivethecustodyto Joanna?He feels very angry and firmly refuses her request because he believes Joanna has no right totake Billy away from him for it's she who leaves the boy in the first place,and he cannot affordto lose Billy for he layes the boy so much.  ……



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