
出版时间:2006-6  出版社:外语教学与研究出版社  作者:司洪海 等编  页数:267  




 Module 1 Mv First Day at Senior High
 Module 2 MY New Teachers
 Module 3 MY First Ride on a Train
 Module 4 A Social Surve-My NeighbOurh00d
 Module 5 A Lesson in a Lab
 Module 6 The Internet and Telecommunications
 Mid—term Examination
 Module 1 Our Body and Health Habits
 Module 2 No Drugs
 Module 3 Music
 Module 4 Fine Arts—Western.Chinese and Pop Arts
 Module 5 Newspapers and Magazines
 Module 6 Films and TV Programmes
 FinaI Examination


  Some ancient Chinese people were mixing some substances together to form somethingthey thought would make them live forever. They put their mixture on a small fire, not knowingthey had made a mistake. The mixture started to bubble and boil. Then it burst into flames,burning down their huts. Without knowing it, these ancient people had made the first explosives The ancient Chinese realised after a long while that the mixture which the men had madecould be used on something different. They mixed many other substances together and afterrepeated failures they found gunpowder. Later the secret of the invention leaked to the Arabs who absorbed the newknowledge quickly. They brought it westward; introducing it to the Europeans. The age ofexplosives began. Later on, an Italian scientist was added to the list of inventions with his creation of adangerous and unstable mixture. In the 19th century, a new idea came into Alfred Nobels head.He tried putting dry remains of sea animals into this unstable mixture. He tested the newsubstance and found that it worked. This was one of many great inventions.After his death, Alfred Nobel left his money for prizes. Those that did best in certain fieldswere rewarded for their work. Every year, the prizes were, and still are, given to the best inchemistry, medicine, physics, literature and the progress of peace.


  《高中英语精讲精练(高中1年级上册)(必修1、必修2)》特点:学习目标明确。体系科学。依据国家《英语课程标准》对《英语》(新标准)高中教材在各阶段的学习目标进行了明确细分。强调自主学习,培养学生主动思考、独立解决问题的能力。涵盖语言知识、语言技能的各项要求。与教材协调呼应,有利于学生更好地掌握教材规定的各项知识技能。突出基础性、过程性、针对性。适合各层次学生学习使用。在教材内容基础上拓展,帮助学生开阔视野,增强学习英语的兴趣。“精讲”之后配有“精练”,帮助学生检测所学知识,增强学习自信心和成就感。  《高中英语精讲精练》是依据《英语》(新标准)高中教材开发的配套教辅产品,全面贯彻国家《英语课程标准》对中学英语学习所提出的各项要求,供教师课堂教学参考、学生自学、自练及复习使用。



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