
出版时间:2006-12  出版社:外语教研  作者:小仲马  页数:201  




作者:(法国)小仲马小仲马Alexandre Dumas fils(1824-1895),法国剧作家及小说家。小仲马第一部扬名文坛的力作就是小说《茶花女》,后来他又将其改编成剧作上演。小仲马专写现代剧,在戏剧中他大力宣扬家庭及婚姻的神圣。1875年,他当选为法兰西学院院士。他最引人注目的戏剧有《私生子》和《放荡的父亲》。


IntroductionNote on the TextSelect BibliographyA Chronology of Alexandre Dumas filsLA DAME AUX CAMELIASChapter 1Chapter 2Chapter 3Chapter 4Chapter 5Chapter 6Chapter 7Chapter 8Chapter 9Chapter 10Chapter 11Chapter 12Chapter 13Chapter 14Chapter 15Chapter 16Chapter 17Chapter 18Chapter 19Chapter 20Chapter 21Chapter 22Chapter 23Chapter 24Chapter 25Chapter 26Chapter 27A Note on MoneyExplanatory Notes


  She was Dumass mistress for eleven months, between September1844 and August 1845. How much she loved him is difficult to say, thoughshe was very close to him at first. After the break, however, there is nothingto suggest that she pined for him. Her continuing extravagance led her backto her lovers, while her consumption was making her only too familiarwith doctors. Late in 1845, at a concert, she met Liszt who appears to havebeen the only man she ever genuinely loved. She was the most absoluteincarnation of Woman who has ever existed, he wrote subsequently, andfor a while they were happy. Then, inexplicably, on 21 February 1846, shemarried Perregaux at the Kensington Register Office. The marriage, whilevalid in England, was not legal in France, and the couple separated atonce, Marie returning to Liszt in Paris. Whatever her reasons for marryingPerregaux, she now felt able to sign herself la comtesse du Plessis and toadd a coronet to her plate.  Liszt left Paris in the spring, promising to return in the autumn whenhe would take her with him to Constantinople. She was now increasinglyill and, in June, left to take the waters in Belgium and Germany. Shemaintained contact by letter with Perregaux who was now attempting toreturn to the army. Marie was back in Paris by mid-September, but hercondition deteriorated steadily. Drs Davaine, Manec and Chomel saw herfrequently, and she consulted Dr Koreff, a fashionable charlatan, but theirprescriptions of asses milk, fumigations, frictions, their warnings againstover-use of her voice and the recommendation that she sleep on a horse-hair mattress, made little difference. Liszt did not return and Marie droppedout of circulation. In late December, she paid her last visit to the theatre,the shadow ofa woman, one journalist reported, sitting in her box likesomething white and diaphanous.






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  •   一本名声远播的经典之作!值得收藏!
  •   很漂亮的书,质量也好
  •   如果是的话就是我要找的说
  •   很不错哦。是我想要的书

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