
出版时间:2007-6  出版社:外语教学与研究出版社  作者:徐小贞 总主编,吴芳,朱立立 主编  页数:242  


  随着世界经济全球化步伐的加快,我国对外开放的深度和广度也在不断地加大。尤其是我国加入世界贸易组织之后,外贸业务日益增长,在激烈的竞争形势下,各行各业对国际商贸从业人员的能力和素质提出了更高的要求。国际商贸从业人员需要在文化素质、职业道德、商业知识、国际服务意识、工作语言(特别是英语)的水平和沟通技巧等方面达到一个新的高度,既要具备较强的辅助管理能力、文书处理能力与协调沟通能力,又要通晓英语,成为具有一定商务知识和行政事务处理能力的复合型人才。  为了顺应这一国际化大趋势对商务英语人才提出的新要求,深圳职业技术学院从2002年起开设了“商务交际”课程。该课程主要通过教学和实践,使商务英语专业的学生了解并熟悉商务交际活动的主要内容及其背景知识,并通过大量模拟商务背景下的实践活动,重点培养学生的英语交际能力、一定的创新精神和解决问题的能力。考虑到目前的形势和国内高职专业英语教学改革的需要,我们决定编写这本《商务交际》,将多年教学改革及实践的经验与更多同业人士分享。本书的总体设计具有以下几个方面的特点:  独创性。国内有关商务交际的教材种类繁多,大多都倾向于英语口语的单项练习。本书首次将交际口语、沟通的理论技巧及沟通中的文化差异三者紧密结合起来,培养学生处理各种交际情况的综合技能。  另外,本书的独创性还体现在本书最后一章即非言语交际的内容上。非言语交际是商务交际的重要组成部分。本书除了系统介绍几种非言语交际形式外,还有针对性地设计了各种模拟活动,不仅让学生充分意识到在商务情景中身体语言的重要性,还要学习掌握如何正确地运用身体语言来达到成功交际的目的。


“高职高专商务英语实践系列教材”以全新的视角实践了商务与英语一体化、教学与评估一体化的教学理念,是一套具有国际视野和中国特色的教材。本教材充分体现了高职高专商务英语专业“以实践为核心,以英语为主线,以商务为背景”的教学模式,引入多元教学评估体系,全英文编写,重点培养学生的商务实践能力。    《商务交际》是融理论知识、沟通技巧、案例分析与现场模拟为一体的教材,有如下特点:    独创性:首次将交际口语、沟通的理论技巧及沟通中的跨文化差异三者紧密结合,并系统讲述了非言语交际形式,培养学生在不同商务情景下守成各种交际任务的综合技巧。    科学性:结构设计合理,单元内部模块分明,训练目标清晰;采用单元评估的形成性考核试试教学和评估有机结合。    灵活性:各单元相对独立,活动形式丰富多样。


Unit1 Reception  Learning Objectives  Snapshot  A. Making Reservations  B. Making Introductions  C. Starting and Encouraging Small Talks  D. Inviting  E. Entertaining Visitors  AssessmentUnit 2 Telephone Calls  Learning 0bjectives  Snapshot  A. Preparation for a Call  B. The Beginning of a Call  C. The Middle of a Call  D. The End ofa Call  E. Leaving and Taking Messages  AssessmentUnit 3 Meetings  Learning Objectives  Snapshot  A. Preparing for a Meeting  B. Opening a Meeting  C. During a Meeting  D. Ending a Meeting  AssessmentUnit 4 Orai Presentation  Learning Objectives  Snapshot  A. Preparation  B。Introduction of the Presentation  C. Body of the Presentation  D. End of the Presentation  E. Using Visual Aids  AssessmentUnit 5 Neaotiations  Learning Objectives  Snapshot  A. Preparing for Negotiations  B. Opening a Negotiation  C. Managing Conflict  D. Bargaining and Making Concessions  E. Closing a Negotiation  AssessmentUnit 6 Complaints  Learning Objectives  Snapshot  A. Preparing for Making a Complaint  B. Making a Complaint  C. Receiving a Complaint  D. Solving a Complaint  AssessmentUnit 7 Employment Communication  Learning Objectives  Snapshot……Unit 8 Nonverbal CommunicationAppendix ⅠAppendix ⅡAppendix ⅢAppendix Ⅳ


  Correction: I havent seen you around here before. Have you worked here long?  2. Man: Oh, you must make more money than I do then. rm in Sales. Correction: Oh, that must be why I havent seen you around, rm in Sales. (It is inappropriate to discuss how much people make in an office during a small talk.)  3. Man: Its OK. Hey, you look like you could really use a coffee. Correction: Its OK. Hey, you look like you could really have a coffee.  4. Man: Tell me about it! At least its supposing to be a nice weekend. Correction: Tell me about it! At least its supposed to be a nice weekend.  5. Woman: Yes, rve listened that they are calling for blue skies. Correction: Yes, rye heard that they are calling for blue skies.  6. Man: The Chiefs! Do you think theyre going to make it to the finals this year? Correction: (The man should not continue with this subject because the woman is obviously not interested in it.)  7. Man: Speaking of desks, what do you think of the new office furniture? Correction: (The man did not lake the cue that the woman wants to end the conversation.)  8. Woman: Its nice, but I would rather get paid for my overtime hours than have new furniture. Correction: (Giving your opinion about a controversial subject is not appropriate when making a small talk with someone you dont know or trust.)  9. Man: Oh. Well, I think 111 be heading home early today. It might be snow. Correction: Oh. Well, I think 111 be heading home early today. It looks like it might snow.  10. Woman: Me neither! My divorce will finally come through by then! Correction: lPrivate information about ones personal life is not acceptable.)  Listening  I) Have you been to Edinburgh before  2) do you have much time here in Scotland  3) There is such a lot to see  4) to get you there in good time  5) Was it a good flight today  6)There was a lot of turbulence



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用户评论 (总计7条)


  •   其实内容还没看呢~看样子蛮不错的
  •   帮我弟买的,希望是他想要的 。
  •   内容编得比较详细,也比较新,做本科的课本不错
  •   等了一周又2天,终于拿到手了,妈妈再也不用担心我的学习
  •   还行。该有的都有了。
  •   大致看了下,书是正版
  •   学校必修课的课本……

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