
出版时间:2007-7  出版社:外语教学与研究出版社  作者:博尔英语阅读系列编委会 编  页数:178  


  阅读是一种书面交际的行为。它既是语言学习的重要手段,也是语言学习的重要目的。通过阅读学英语,既能获取相关的语言知识。奠定扎实的语言基础,又能了解英语国家的文化背景知识,增强语言运用能力。阅读能力的提高是语言学习的突破口,阅读能力的高低也是评价语言能力的重要标准。  随着《英语课程标准》在全国的广泛实施,英语教学的理念正在发生根本的改变,以教师为中心的课堂变成了以学生为中心的课堂;学生的学习方式在变,被动的接受式学习正在向自主的探究式学习转变;评价的要求在变,单一的纸笔测试正在向多元化的测试手段转变;考试命题的观念也在变,由知识立意向能力立意转变。目前阅读理解正在成为各种英语测试的主体。阅读理解也是目前测试学生综合运用英语语言知识的能力的有效手段。




Reading OneReading TwoReading ThreeReading FourReading FiveReading SixReading SevenReading EightReading NineReading TenReading ElevenReading TwelveReading ThirteenReading FourteenReading FifteenReading SixteenReading SeventeenReading Eighteen参考答案


  Many North Americans love sport. Thisdoes not necessarily mean that they get any ex-ercise. What they do is to watch national teamson television. They watch baseball, football, bas-ketball, hockey, golf and tennis —— which meansthat for most of the weekends they sit in front ofthe television. 8. they are / watch with them /their friends / If friendly Baseball is a greatAmerican sport and every team has fans. Nearlyevery big city has a team, and as each teamplays 162 games a year, following baseball cantake up a lot of time. The playing season beginsin spring and finishes in the fall World Series,when the two leading teams play with eachother. The first to win four games wins theSeries. Although called the World Series, Cana-da is the only other country to take part in it.



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