
出版时间:2009-6  出版社:外语教学与研究出版社  作者:刘凤玲 编  页数:195  




Unit One The Web LifestyleBackground InformationLanguage PointsStructure and GrammarTapescriptsKey to ListeningKey to ReadingWritingChinese Tronstation of the TextSupplementary MaterialsUnit Two EducationBackground InformationLanguage PointsStructure and GrammarTapescriptsKey to ListeningKey to ReadingWritingChinese Translation of the TextUnit Three Products and ProcessBackground InformationLanguoge PointsStructure and GrommarTapescriptsKey to ListeningKey to ReadingWritingChinese TronsLation of the TextUnit Four TeamworkBackground InformationLanguage PointsStructure and GrammarTapescriptsKey to ListeningKey to ReadingWritingChinese TransLation of the TextSuppLementary MaterialsUnit Five Job and OccupationBackground InformationLanguage PointsStructure and GrammarTapescriptsKey to ListeningKey to ReadingWritingChinese Translation of the TextReview OneUnit Six HistoryBackground InformationLanguage PointsStructure and GrammarTopescriptsKey to ListeningKey to ReadingWritingChinese Tronstation of the TextUnit Seven PhilosophyBackground InformationLanguage PointsStructure and GrammarTopescriptsKey to ListeningKey to ReadingWritingChinese Translation of the TextSuppLementary MaterialsUnit Eight EnvironmentBackground InformationLanguage PointsStructure and GrammarTapescriptsKey to ListeningKey to ReadingWritingChinese Translation of the TextUnit Nine Persona[ IdentificationBackground InformationLanguage PointsStructure and GrammarTapescriptsKey to ListeningKey to ReadingWritingChinese Transtation of the TextUnit Ten Science and TechnotogyBackground InformationLanguage PointsStructure and GrammarTapescriptsKey to ListeningKey to ReadingWritingChinese Transtation of the TextReview Two





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