
出版时间:2009-5  出版社:外语教学与研究出版社,剑桥大学出版社  作者:鲁宾逊  页数:61  


  《剑桥少儿英语轻松夺满盾》(Fun for Starters/Movers/Flyers)是专为7~12岁的学生编写的一套教材,可作为准备参加剑桥少儿英语( YLE)考试学生的备考用书。  《剑桥少儿英语轻松夺满盾(第2级)(学生)》根据最新考试大纲编写,涵盖剑桥少儿英语考试大纲所要求的全部主题、词汇、语法和能力训练,并突出考生在考试中最容易出错的部分,以便考生加强练习。  全套教材采用有趣的练习和活动,与考试题型紧密结合,引导考生逐步熟悉考试要求,把握考试重点和难点,全面达到剑桥少儿英语考纲中对考生听、说、读、写各项能力的要求。


1 Animals2 Which animal?3 What kind of hair?4 The girl in the red dress5 Big or small?6 Bigger or smaller?7 The biggest and the smallest8 What’s your name?9 Myfamily10 Which bag is Daisy’s?11 Things we eat and drink12 Bottles and boxes13 Different houses14 My home15 About me16 Atschool17 Different sports18 My hobbies19 Mybody20 What’s the matter?21 Where?22 Why do people go there?23 The world around us24 What’s the weather like?25 Find the differences26 Which one is different?27 The bats are everywhere!28 My day29 My week30 How well do you do it?31 What do you think?32 Why is Sally crying?33 On your feet and on your head34 What’s in Mary’s kitchen?35 Where were you?36 What a busy week!37 What a morning!38 No they didn’t!39 Did you watch TV last night?40 My birthday41 Saying yes and no42 My holidays43 A day at the beach44 Which day was it?45 Treasure46 A day on the island47 From A to Z48 Give me a short answer49 Words you need50 Opposites and placesPairwork activitiesUnit wordlistList of irregular verbs


  《剑桥少儿英语轻松夺满盾(第2级)(学生)》特色:  考点全面——完全覆盖剑桥少儿英语考试最新考试大纲中要求的所有词汇和语法。  题型完善——涵盖剑桥少儿英语考试全部题型,备考更彻底。  能力训练——语言点通书复现,全面训练听、说、读、写能力。  多重索引——分别提供按单元、主题和语法的多重索引,便于快速查询,进行有针对性的训练。  直击难点——侧重训练考生在考试中最容易出错的地方,记忆更深刻。  寓教于乐——活动形式趣味多样(游戏、绘画、涂色、交流、任务等),使考生更乐于参与,并从中获得乐趣。  教学实用——教案清晰完备,教学目标明确、层次清楚。提供分步教学指导,以及“小贴士”(Young Learners tip)、扩展活动、可复印的全套模拟试题等,充分满足教学需要。



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