
出版时间:2010-10  出版社:哈尔滨工业大学出版社  作者:徐效军 编  页数:375  


  《英语口语速成班》是为“口语低起点”的学习者量身定做的纯口语操练教程。帮助急需实用口语的读者快速突破口语障碍。内容丰富、实用。  速成操练五步骤:  ·掌握词汇:词汇和短语汇集,在口语练习中扩大词汇量;  ·实用句型操练:句型为会话的核心,是语言交流的“骨架”;  ·替换练习:不停替换、举一反三,直至运用自如;  ·实景演习:英语世界的真实情境对话操练;  ·文化贴士:跟读原文介绍,了解各国文化,提升语言理解能力。


01 Greetings02 Meeting People03 Saying Goodbye04 Please, Thank You, Sorry05 Identifying and Describing People06 Age07 Places and Directions08 Family Relationships09 Science10 Weather11 Animals12 Calamities and Pollution13 Housework14 Function and Malfunction15 Duration16 Size, Quantity and Weight17 Time and Date18 Shopping19 Offers and Invitations20 Congratulations and Celebrations21 Telephone Calls22 Food and Dining23 Culture and Art24 Literature25 Sports and Games26 Entertainment27 Hobbies and Pastimes28 Likes and Dislikes29 Cause and Effect30 Doubting, Believing, Promising and Guaranteeing31 Difficulty32 Suggestions and Complaints33 Praising and Comforting34 Comparison, Differences and Similarities35 Agreement and Disagreement36 Importance, Value and Possession37 Transportation38 Health and Illness39 Education40 Work41 Economy42 Food43 Plans and Intentions44 Talents and Abilities45 Makinq Appointments46 Feelinos and Emotions47 Clothing48 Household Objects and Tools49 Media



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