
出版时间:2008-01-01  出版社:同济大学出版社  作者:张英  页数:99  


  《新课标英语导学与拓展(高1下)》以培养学生阅读能力为宗旨,通过与高中教材每篇课文主题相配 的系列阅读文章的学习,帮助学生更好地理解、掌握相关的词汇和句型。  《新课标英语导学与拓展(高1下)》以多种练习形式,帮助学生进一步巩固所学知识,并在此基础上,以 能够综合运用所学的语言知识。《新课标英语导学与拓展(高1下)》对所选阅读文章有词汇、句型的梳理 ,并配有相关练习,是师生拓展教学与学习的不可多得的辅导读物。


总序前言Unit 1 A Trip to the TheatrePassage 1 Film of Harry Potter Hit ShanghaiPassage 2 Key for Chinese Film: To Be EntertainingStrategy  Recognizing the topics of paragraphs in a story.More Reading  Marilyn Monroe: Fame and TragedyUnit 2 Great MindsPassage 1 Approaching Dickens and His WorksPassage 2 Einstein -- A Genius in the World of PhysicsStrategy  Looking for signal words.More reading The Ig Nobel PrizeUnit 3 PlantsPassage 1 The Venus FlytrapsPassage 2 Ancient Bristlecone Pine ForestStrategy  Finding the topic sentence and examples.More reading  How Plants and Flowers GrowUnit 4 Creatures: Large and SmallPassage 1 Why Do Bees Make Honey?Passage 2 More Ant FactsStrategy  Reading a play.More reading Butterfly BehaviorsUnit 5 Problems and AdvicePassage 1 A Friend and a TrialPassage 2 Punishment for DishonestyStrategy  Guessing meanings of words.More reading Drug Abuse PreventionUnit 6 A Variety of ViewpointsPassage 1 Advertisers Perform a Useful Service to the CommunityPassage 2 Vicious and Dangerous Sports Should Be Banned by LawStrategy  Separating facts from opinions.More reading Company Development StrategyReference Answers



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