
出版时间:2009-3  出版社:华中科技大学出版社  作者:关丽君 编  页数:226  字数:220000  


这套书共十本,包括奋斗、爱情、创业、经历、幸福、梦想等十个大学生关心的话题。所选的英语原文词汇量和难度与大学生的英语阅读水平相适应,每篇文章前有导读,文中的疑难词语配有注释,并附有赏析和阅读思考题,每本书前主编还写了一首诗歌作为主编寄语,这一切,希望广大读者能够喜欢。    在编写这套书时,我们给读者提供的文章不仅是地道的英语表达,而且读来耐人寻味,从而使这套书更具有语言性和知识性、阅读性和思考性相结合的特点。在这套书出版之前,我们曾将部分书稿交给学生阅读,请他们谈谈阅读感想。有的说:“好像喝了杯热咖啡,有点苦,也有点甜。”有的说:“好像嚼棺榔,爽!”一个美丽的女孩悄悄地说:“我的爱情彩球飞得太高了,无法着陆。”




  I was employee number 18. This was a start-up operation. All of us except Shockley were young scientists, in our late twenties. I had no management experience or training. Unfortunately, neither did Shockley. He had run a research group at Bell Laboratories, but this was to be an enterprise rather than a research group, and he had no real experience in running a company. I suppose maybe I should have been suspicious when none of the people who had worked with him at Bell Labs joined his new venture, but I didnt even begin to think about that then.  Shockley was phenomenal from the point of view of his physical intuition. One of my colleagues claimed Shockley could see electrons. He had a tremendous feeling for what was going on, say, in silicon, but he had some peculiar ideas for motivating people. For example, the company had something we dubbed the PhD production line. One day he told a group of us, "Im not sure youre suited for this kind of a business. Were going to find out. Youre going to go out there and set up a production line and run it. You know, do the operation, not direct it."




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