
出版时间:2004-8  出版社:大连理工大学出版社  作者:温丹丽,毕秀梅 主编  页数:204  字数:296000  


本书具有以下特点:1. 每个单元都是训练阅读能力的一个完整的过程,训练目的明确,配备相应练习。通过周期性反复训练使学生掌握阅读专业文章的正确方法。2. 教材内容安排上,按电子信息类学科细经成八个单元,每个单元突出一个学科领域的知识,这是该教材编写上的一大特色。3. 选材新颖,点面结合。不仅能体现专业知识性还能体现趣味性,同时选取了大量的最新知识和最新的应和实例。4. 每课都提供了各种练习题,既实用又具有针对性,有利于检验学生学习掌握的程度。便于更好进行教学活动。5. 课文中生词的注释标在正文的一侧,利于学生阅读。6. 为了便于扩大学生的专业词汇量,专业词汇将按各单元所涉及的学科内容分别列在各单元结束的地方,这也是该教材的一大特色。    本教材共分八个单元,内容包括电的基本知识与应用、数电与模电、高频技术、电气工程、电器、检测与传感、微处理器技术和自动控制系统。


Unit One Foundation of Electricity    Passage One The History Of Electricity    Passage Two  Electric Circuit    Passage Three Thevenin’S 8L Norton~S Theorem    Passage Four Digital Circuits    Passage Five  Operational Amplifiers    专业英语语言结构特点Unit Two Electronic Products    Passage One Ho.w doesa liquid crystal display TV work?    Passage Two How does a washing machine work?    Passage Three Refrigerators    Passage Four  Microwave 0vens    Passage Five  MP4 User’S Manual(selected)      专业英语翻译技巧Unit Three Electronic Apparatus and Instrument?    Passage One  Electronic Components    Passage Two  Analog Instruments and Uses    Passage Three Introductions to Common Digital Instruments    Passage Four  Measuring Voltage with Oscilloscopes      Passage Five  Computer—based Test Instruments    数字、数学表达式与英文读法Unit Four Sensors and Transducers    Passage One  Basic Knowledge of Transducers    Passage Two The Characteristics and Features of Sensors    Passage Three Sensor Technology    Passage Four Photoelectric Sensor    Passage Five  Induction of Sensor Productions    构词法(Ⅰ)英语构词的三种方法Unit Five Computer Simulation and Aided Design    Passage One  Introduction to Computer Simulation      Passage Two  CAD 8。CAM    Passage Three Introduction to Protel 99SE  Passage Four  What is a VHDL?      Passage Five  Applications of EDA in Circuit Experiments      构词法(Ⅱ)名词前缀和后缀Unit Six Control Technology    Passage One  Industrial Bus    Passage Two  Microprocessor    Passage Three What is a PLC?      Passage Four  Intelligent System      Passage Five  Introductions to PID Controllers      构词法(Ⅲ)动词前缀与后缀Unit Seven Automatic Control System    Passage One  Computer Control System    Passage Two  MSC一51 On—chip UART    Passage Three The Watchdog    Passage Four  Industrial Robots    Passage Five Home Automation      构词法(Ⅳ)形容词、副词前缀与后缀Unit Eight Communication Engineering    Passage One  Communications and Communication System    Passage Two  Introduction of GPS    Passage Three The Difference between GSM and CDMA      Passage Four Introduction to Digital Signal Processing    Passage Five Data Communications    构词法(Ⅴ)词尾与词性附录电子信息类主要专业课程英语名称




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