
出版时间:2011-11  出版社:西北工业大学出版社  作者:李宝宏 编  页数:287  




Events in British History
 Chapter 1 Anglo Saxon England (before 1066)
  1. Roman invasion (55 B. C.-410 A. D. )
  2. Anglo-Saxon Fngland (410 - 1066)
  3. Norman Conquest (1066)
 Chapter 2 The Middle Ages (1066 - 1485)
  4. Reform of Henry Ⅱ (1154- 1189)
  5. The Great Charter (or Magna Carta) (1215)
  6. Hundred Years' War (1337- 1453)
  7. Wars of the Roses (1455 - 1485)
 Chapter 3 Reformation & Restoration (1485- 1689)
  8. Enclosures (16th century)
  9. Renaissance in England (1450 - 1600)
  10. Elizabethan Era (1558 - 1603)
  11. Reformation (16th century)
  12. English Civil War (1642 - 1651)
  13. Restoration (1660)
  14. Glorious Revolution (1688)
 Chapter 4 The Age of Empire (1689 - 1901)
  15. Establishment of Constitutional Monarchy (t689)
  16. Acts of Union (1707)
  17. Battle of Waterloo (1815)
  18. Chartist Movement (1838 - 1848)
  19. Victorian Era (1837 - 1901)
 Chapter 5 The Twentieth Century (1901 - 2000) 
  20. Major Party — Labour Party(1906)
  21. Establishment of National Health Service (1948)
Events in American History
 Chapter 6 Colonization (1607 - 1763)
  22. Foundation of Jamestown Settlement Colony (1607)
  23. Introduction of African Slaves into the Colony of Virginia (1619)
  24. Landing of Mayflower on the New Land (1620)
  25. First Great Awakening (1720s- 1740s)
  26. Seven Years' War (1756 - 1763)
 Chapter 7 Revolution (1763 - 1815)
  27. Revolutionary Events in Boston (1770 - 1773)
  28. American Independence War (1775- 1783)
  29. Declaration of Independence (1776)
  30. Constitutional Convention and Founding of New National Government (1787)
  31. Constitution of the United States of America (1787) andBill of Rights (1791)
  32. Louisiana Purchase Treaty (1803)
 Chapter 8 Modern America
 Chapter 9 The Twentieth Century (1900 - 2000)





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