
出版时间:2000-6  出版社:第1版 (2000年6月1日)  作者:柯召文集编委会  页数:420  字数:430000  




第一编 传记及祝贺文章  柯召传  祝贺柯老从事科研教学五十五周年——在第四届全国数论学术会议开幕式上的讲话  On Some Problems and Results in Elementary Number Theory  Old and New Proofs of the Erdos-Ko-Rado Theorem第二编 学术论文  Decompositions into Four Cubes  On a Waring's Problem with Squares of Linear Forms  On the Repressentation of a Quadratic Form as a Sum of Squares of Linear Forms  Note on the Lattice Points in a Parallelepiped  Note on the Euclidean Algorithm  Note on the Representation of a Quadratic Form as a Sum of Squares of Linear Forms  Determination of the Class Number of Positive Quadratic Forms in Nine Variables with Determinant Unity  Some Results on Definite Quadratic Forms  On the Decomposition of Quadratic Forms in Six Variables  On the Positive Definite Quadratic Froms with Determinant Unity  On Definite Quadratic Forms,which are not the Sum of Two Definite or Semi-Definite Forms  Note on a Theorem on Matrices  A Further Generalization of the Hamilton-Cayley Theorem  On Semi-Automorphisms in Matrix Algebra  ……




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